четверг, 30 октября 2008 г.

8 Must-Have Homemade Kitchen Cleaners

8 Must-Have Homemade Kitchen Cleaners

It’s the heart of the home, the place where everyone seems to gather: the kitchen.

As a homemaker, I probably spend the most hours of my day either cooking at the stove, prepping on the island, eating at the farmhouse table, or working from my “kitchen command center” desk.

Aside from the obvious need to keep the kitchen clean for food-prep sanitation, it’s super important with all of the family constantly coming and going to be sure that the tables, counters, and floors aren’t a breeding ground for bacteria and other germs.

That said, it’s equally important to be sure that what I use to get rid of the “bad guys” isn’t some sort of toxic cleaner that might actually make things worse!

Below are some fantastic recipes for homemade kitchen cleaners that are really easy to make and will keep the kitchen sparklingly—and non-toxically—clean!

These 8 DIY recipes for homemade kitchen cleaners are free of harmful chemicals but will still do the dirty work of ridding your kitchen of bacteria and germs.
Homemade All-Purpose Cleaner

Start by pouring ½ cup white vinegar into a full-sized spray bottle. Add 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Fill the bottle with tepid water and shake well.

If you’d prefer to cover the vinegar scent (and I do!) you can add a few drops of essential oil, such as tea tree, eucalyptus, or even a citrus oil.

Homemade “Soft-Scrub” Cleaner

This one also utilizes the cleaning power of baking soda. You start by measuring 1 ½ cups of baking soda into a mixing bowl. Add ½ cup of environmentally safe liquid laundry soap (ECOS, for example), and stir vigorously to combine into a paste.

As with the all-purpose cleaner, you may choose to add several drops of essential oil, such as tea tree, lavender, or rosemary.

Store paste in the food container, keeping the lid tightly closed. If the mixture begins to dry out, simply add a small amount of water and stir.

Homemade Disinfectant Wipes

For this one, you’ll need to start with an empty “wipe” type of container; I find that empty plastic baby wipe containers work well. You could also use a large mason jar. ��

You’ll need between 15 and 20 squares of scrap fabric to use for the wipes themselves, something like old t-shirt scraps or even old dish towels. Once you have those stored away in the container, you’re ready to add the cleaning solution.

In mixing cup/bowl, combine 1 cup of water, ¼ cup of white vinegar, and 8 drops each of tea tree oil, eucalyptus essential oil, and lemon essential oil.

Pour this solution over your cloth scraps in the container, where they will soak in and be ready for you when you’re ready to pull them out and use them!

I just wash the used rags with any other laundry I’m running, such as towels or other rags.

These 8 DIY recipes for homemade kitchen cleaners are free of harmful chemicals but will still do the dirty work of ridding your kitchen of bacteria and germs.
Homemade Liquid Dish Soap

For this recipe, start with a medium-sized mixing bowl, combining ½ cup warm distilled water with 2 tsp kosher salt, stirring until the salt is completely dissolved.

In a separate bowl, combine ½ cup white vinegar, ½ cup Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds and 1 tsp lemon juice. Stir this mixture into the salt water mixture, and stir until thickened.

You may wish to add 10-15 drops of your favorite essential oil at this point for scent and potential disinfectant properties. Pour mixture into a recycled dish soap container for storage.

Homemade Dishwasher Detergent

Mix together 1 cup salt, 2 cups baking soda, 2 cups Borax, and 1 cup of Lemi-Shine (non-toxic, found in the detergent aisle). Transfer to an air-tight storage container.

It will last a long time: each load uses only 2 tablespoons of detergent! (I recommend keeping white vinegar in the rinse agent compartment, too.)

Homemade Oven Cleaner

OK, this one is more of a “how-to” than a recipe, because you really only need baking soda, water, and vinegar.

Use ½ cup of baking soda and stir in 2-3 tablespoons of water, adjusting as needed to get a spreadable paste. Spread this all over the walls of your ovens, rubbing it in for a scrubbing effect.

Let that mixture rest overnight. (Guess it’s Momma’s night off in the kitchen for dinner!)

In the morning, you will put some vinegar in a spray bottle and spritz everywhere you see baking soda, which will create a foaming action. Wipe clean with a damp cloth, rinsing until clean.

Homemade Drain Cleaner

Another vinegar and baking soda how-to! If you’ve got a smelly or slow-draining sink, sprinkle down the drain a heaping ¼ cup baking soda, and follow that with ¼ cup white vinegar.

Let that bubbling mixture sit for an hour or so, then pour boiling hot water down the drain to rinse it.

Depending on how smelly or clogged the drain is, you may need to repeat the process again. Once you do it regularly, you’ll find that one time usually takes care of it!

Homemade Liquid Hand Soap

And finally… what good does it do to have a clean kitchen if you hands are full of germs? Here’s a great recipe for a liquid hand soap that will remedy that!

Start with an empty foaming soap dispenser. Fill it to within about 1 inch of the top with bottled water (or distilled). Add at least 2 Tablespoons liquid castile soap (scented if you prefer; unscented if you want to use essential oils). Add ½ tsp olive oil and a drop or two of essential oil for scent. Close bottle and gently shake to mix.

What homemade kitchen cleaners do you use?

Original article and pictures take keeperofthehome.org site

вторник, 28 октября 2008 г.

8 Herbs To Have On Hand For Common Newborn Issues

8 Herbs To Have On Hand For Common Newborn Issues
8 Herbs To Have On Hand For Common Newborn Issues | GrowingUpHerbal.com
Photo Credit: Chiot’s Run via Compfight cc

Using herbs on your newborn is a wonderful, safe way to help with those little issues that are common with new babies. Not only does it make you feel good to know that you have the ability to help your little one’s body through some minor difficulties all on it’s own, but it makes you feel good to know that you aren’t giving your baby something that’s going to harm or bring toxins into your baby’s brand new little body.

Thankfully herbs are easy to learn about and use, but learning is the first step. Your confidence in your abilities and the herbs abilities to treat your little ones will grow over time as you work and practice with them.

Let me also say here that I’m in NO WAY saying to skip the doctor and use herbs instead when your baby is really sick. If you need to see a medical professional, by all means go.

What I am saying is that many times you can use herbs to help your baby feel better and recover from something minor without needing to make a trip to see the doctor.

Today, I want to talk about some common issues that newborn babies may experience as well as 5 easy to come by herbs that you should be sure to have on hand to help you manage these issues when you have a newborn in your home.

Minor Newborn Health Issues

Newborn babies, as perfect and pure as they may be, don’t come with a users manual and sometimes they have their fair share of issues. Not that I remember, but I’d say it’s tough being born into this world! Squished, handled, and every part of your body messed with. Good grief!

Below you’ll find some common issues you may have to deal with when it comes to newborns and each of these things can be dealt with at home along side some good, natural herbal remedies to help you through the process.

Umbilical Cord Care

Caring for a newborns unbilical cord for the first few weeks doesn’t seem like such a big deal to this seasoned mama, but I remember it being a bigger deal when it was my first baby. They can bleed, they can get infected, you’re not supposed to get it wet, you’re supposed to put rubbing alcohol on it, you’re not supposed to put rubbing alcohol on it… who knows what they say now.

The point is to keep it clean, keep it dry, and let it fall off on it’s own. Herbs can help you through this process.

I use calendula and comfrey tea with a tiny bit of castile soap in it. Calendula is an antimicrobial herb, comfrey is healing to the tissues, and the soap helps to keep it clean and dry it out without over-drying it or getting it too wet where bacteria will grow. Simply mix everything together, dip a cotton-swab in it, and gently swab around baby’s cord at diaper changes.

Eye Infections

I think every single one of my babies has been born with a tear duct that was blocked. This resulted in a goopy eye that would sometimes get a bit swollen in the corner. As a first-time mom, I was a bit concerned. Now, it’s not a big deal as I know that it’s a very common thing among newborns, and I know how to deal with it using a simper herbal wash.

Eyebright is my go-to herb for this although you can use several others. All I do is make an eyebright infusion, dip a cotton ball in it, and rub baby’s eye with it several times a day. I try to drip just a bit of the tea into the corner of the eye and massage that area a bit. Within 4-6 days, it’s usually opened up and we have no more goopy eyes!


Gas is a common occurrence in newborns whether they’re breastfed or bottle-fed. A new baby’s digestive system is just waking up and getting used to drinking milk and processing it all. This can result in uncomfortable gas for them and lots of crying.

A great herbal combo that helps with gas is a catnip and fennel infusion. Both of these herbs are known for their help in this area, and on top of helping with gas, catnip is relaxing to baby and fennel tastes good so you won’t have much difficulty getting baby to take this.

What I do is squirt a dropperful of this infusion into baby’s mouth before each nursing session to help counteract any gas that may be caused from nursing incorrectly or from an immature digestive system.


I’ve, unfortunately, dealt with my fair share of thrush in my newborns. With my second, we got it once, got some meds because I had no clue how to treat it with herbs and got over it quickly. Fairly simple. With my third baby, we got it, went for the meds, it went away then came back so we got more meds. It went away again then came right back even worse than before. At this point I was really not sure why on earth I was giving my kid these drugs and finally decided to do some research. After being appalled that I’d given my baby these strong drugs and giving myself a stern lecture for being so lazy and not checked into this sooner I decided to get it together and finally deal with it naturally.

I bought a yeast cleanse for pregnant and nursing mamas for myself to take, and I made a strong herbal cream for babies bottom and mouth… and for me to put on before and after nursing to prevent passing it back and forth between baby and I. I also formulated an anti-fungal tea blend to make and give baby each day so that I wasn’t only treating the external thrush (in the mouth and on the bottom), but treating the internal yeast as well. Oh yeah, and baby got powdered probiotics before and after each nursing session.

Now treating thrush naturally can be a long, complicated matter. At least it was in my case. Maybe I’ll write a post on it sometime soon and include all the details about what I did.

But for now, garlic is a great and simple anti-fungal and something that most people have in their pantry. Simply infuse garlic into some coconut oil and add in a drop of lavender and tea tree essential oil after you’ve strained the garlic out. I’m not big on using essential oils internally, but when it comes to certain issues, I find value in it. Thrush is one of those dreadful issues. You can put this ointment on yourself before baby nurses, and you can rub it on their tongue and cheeks after they’re finished. You can even put it on their bums if they get a yeast diaper rash.

Diaper Rash

Diaper rash is another common newborn issue. Diaper rash is less common if you use cloth diapers, if you change diapers frequently, if baby’s bottom gets some air in between changes, and if you use a natural wipe solution or unscented, alcohol-free wipes during changes. No matter, some babies just get it.

If they do, you can use garlic, chamomile, and calendula to help. You can infuse these into an oil and make a salve or cream to use as a protective barrier for their skin or you can make an infusion with them and use it as a wash during each diaper change. Better yet, you can do both.

Cradle Cap

Cradle cap is another one of those bothersome newborn issues, but thankfully it’s easy to deal with. I should say that there are two thoughts on cradle cap, or so I’ve heard. One is that it cradle cap is a result of yeast and the other is that it’s due to overactive oil glands. I’ve not looked into the yeast thing too much, and I’ve found that the later is truer… at least with my kids.

Whenever my kids have developed cradle cap, and they almost always do, I simply infuse rosemary into some jojoba oil, strain it, and apply that oil to their head, letting it sit for several hours before washing their hair and gently combing the cradle cap out. Rosemary is stimulating to the scalp so it makes a great addition to this quick cradle cap remedy.

Trouble Sleeping

Lastly, many babies have issues when it comes to sleeping. Thankfully mine have all done well in this area, but it is common for babies to get their days and nights mixed up… sleeping most of the day and staying awake at night.

In my motherly opinion, this can be easily remedied by getting your baby on a good schedule/routine of trying to stay awake for brief periods of time during the day and doing your best to not stimulate them and help sooth them to sleep during nap times and bedtime.

But, if for some reason your child decides they wanna stay up all night, you can make a simple, safe herbal glycerite using chamomile, lavender, and catnip to help sooth them to sleep. Give baby half a dropperful before bed and then another half if they wake up to nurse at night.

So there you go!

8 simple herbs that you can use to help your new baby feel better quickly with zero side effects.

8 Herbs To Have On Hand For Common Newborn Issues | GrowingUpHerbal.com
Photo Credit: Chiot’s Run via Compfight cc

Did I miss something here? What newborn issues are you curious about using herbs and natural treatments for? Share with me in the comments below.

Original article and pictures take www.growingupherbal.com site

четверг, 23 октября 2008 г.

8 Healthy Snacks for Kids at School - Clean Eating Snacks Your Kids Will Love

8 Healthy Snacks for Kids at School - Clean Eating Snacks Your Kids Will Love

Kids are picky about everything, especially about what they eat. However, they aren't picky when it comes to junk food. Between cheetos and carrot sticks, which are both bright and crunchy, kids almost always go for the snack with higher calories and processed ingredients. No matter how many healthy kid snacks you create, children tend to pick unhealthy choices, because, unfortunately, they are exposed to so much junk food nowadays.

As someone trying to follow a clean eating diet plan, you constantly convert your family as well with cleaner meals and snacks. You hope your kids will eat clean too; yet you aren't quite sure if the awesome and delicious clean eating snacks you've stuffed in their lunch boxes will be eaten when they are in school.

With the recommendations below, your kids might have an easier time eating healthy. All the suggestions are tasty, simple and fun. Of course, there's no guarantee that your kids will like them, but these healthy snacks for school are certainly close-in-taste to the more common snacks at grocery stores. From cookies to crackers, they are what kids are familiar with and like, except cleaner and healthier. I hope you find great choices today, because all these are fantastic healthy snacks to buy or make.

8 Healthy Snacks for Kids at School - Clean Eating Snacks Your Kids Will Love

Crunchy, sweet and all-natural, these melt-in-your-mouth cookies will make your kids ask for seconds.

One problem though: you might eat them before your kids do, so buy extras.

2. Vacuum Fried Veggies (sold


For those of you new to vacuum frying, it's simply the BEST way to fry foods. Unlike traditional frying, which is done at high temperature, vacuum frying fries at low temperature and high pressure to reduce carcinogens, keep more nutritional value, and maintain more taste. The turnout is a healthier, more flavorful snack.

The vacuum fried veggies below are delicious! They aren't messy or greasy, and make a great way to add vegetables to your kids' diet.

3. Trader Joe's Dried Persimmons (get them


Originated from China and Japan, these juicy fruits are high in vitamins and minerals. Their sweetness makes them popular among kids. However, they are extremely watery and are messy to eat--not a good choice for kids at school.

Trader Joe's Dried Persimmon Slices, however, are perfect for kids to take to school. Not only are they sweet still, they are mess-free.

4. Roasted Seaweed (from this place)

If you haven't had roasted seaweed, you're missing out. Vacuum Fried to crispy perfection, these vegetable snacks are crunchy in texture and smokey in flavor. They also contain the natural saltiness of seafood, which is pleasing to children. Of course, all the vitamins and minerals of seaweed should please adults too.

Annie Chun's Roasted Seaweed is especially tasty, because it has a sesame flavor. It's a fantastic grab-and-go snack for both adults and children.

5. Fresh Strawberries

All fresh fruits are wonderful healthy snacks for kids at school, but especially strawberries because they're easy to pack and eat. They aren't too drippy and messy, are rich in nutrients, and satisfy a sweet tooth. Plus, they're visually enticing too--kids love that.

6. Cucumber with Hummus

Cucumbers are refreshing and crunchy. Thinly sliced, they're like chips, but better. Dipped in flavorsome homemade hummus, they're even tastier. A lot of kids favor this combo, making it an ideal candidate for school snack.

If you need an easy healthy recipe for hummus, get the roasted hummus recipe here. It's quick and delicious.

7. Apple Slices with All-Natural Peanut Butter (recipe


There are only two ingredients in all-natural peanut butter: peanuts and (very little) salt. And if you get peanut butter straight from the grinder, it doesn't contain salt at all. Plus, kids love its creamy texture and delicious bite. With crispy apple slices, it makes a wonderful and healthy kid snack.

By the way, if you want your kids to like this even more, add raisins on top. They'll enjoy the extra sweetness.

8. Avocado Slices Over All-Natural Corn Chips

Corn chips are good, but natural corn chips are better. Made with organic ingredients and zero artificial flavor, all-natural corn chips, like The Real Deal Blue Corn Tortilla, taste like freshly-steamed and lightly-salted corn.

Add slices of ripe avocado, your child now has a simple, wholesome and delicious snack.

I hope you enjoyed the ideas above, and found some healthy snacks for kids at school.

Got your own ideas?

I'm sure you do.

Please leave them in a comment below.

Have a wonderful day!

Original article and pictures take cleaneatingmealplan.blogspot.com site

среда, 22 октября 2008 г.

8 Alternatives to Orajel (Holistic Teething Remedies)

8 Alternatives to Orajel (Holistic Teething Remedies)

Don’t want to put orajel in your baby’s mouth? Here are 8 natural teething remedies to try instead!

I need to try some of these holistic teething remedies for babies! I'm not crazy about putting orajel in my little one's mouth, so I'm on the hunt for alternatives!

This post is as much for me as for anyone else. Baby Girl will turn 1 in less than 2 weeks, but she still only has 2 teeth!

Little Girl really didn’t put up too much of a fuss as she slowly cut her teeth. (She didn’t cut her first one until 11 1/2 months!)

But Baby Girl is a little more sensitive. At 9 1/2 months, I thought her chill little personality had changed overnight.

But, no…it was the teeth!

So far, here’s what’s worked for us–and I’d absolutely love to hear what’s worked for you. With just two teeth at a year old, Baby Girl still has a ways to go!

8 Alternatives to Orajel (Holistic Teething Remedies)

1. Hyland’s Teething Tablets

Even though Little Girl didn’t have a huge problem with teething pain, I absolutely loved these holistic tablets for when she did. You can get these at most any drugstore!

2. Mesh teething feeder

We put ice chips or frozen fruit in these feeders, and Baby Girl chows down! The ice is cooling on her gums, and the mesh keeps it all contained.

chamomile washcloth

3. Frozen wash cloths in chamomile

Soak a wash cloth in freshly-brewed chamomile tea and stick it in the freezer. Once frozen, let your baby chew on it. Both the tea and the coldness of the cloth will soothe sore gums.

4. Non-toxic teething rings

Why not try an old-fashioned teether? While plastic teethers abound, stores like Jack Be Natural and Amazon sell unfinished maple teething rings, which serve the same purpose–without all the chemicals from plastic or paint.

5. Teething Bling

You can make a fashion statement and help soothe sore gums with a teething necklace. I love my Smart Mom Teething Bling Necklace–and so does Baby Girl! It’s the one necklace I don’t have to worry about her breaking, and I can actually feel good about her chewing on it!

6. Earth’s Best Organic Teething Biscuits.*

I have used this organic version of classic teething biscuits, but I am now a little more cautious since Little Girl’s gluten intolerance issues. I put a * because I’m not quite sure I will continue using these since we have no idea if Baby Girl is tolerant of gluten or not.


7. Homemade remedies

I haven’t tried these, but The Holistic Mama lists two great-sounding teething remedies: Rose Hip Syrup and a Chamomile Tea Infusion. Check out her post on holistic teething remedies here.

8. Lavender essential oil

I’m determined to try this one this weekend: Katie at Kitchen Stewardship just tipped me off that she recently read that straight lavender essential oil on the gums or jawline helps alleviate teething pain.

Did your child have a hard time teething? Do you have any holistic teething remedies to share?

Disclaimer: I am not a health professional. I am just a mom who loves to use natural remedies. Please consult your trusted healthcare provider before making any decisions regarding your health. I cannot be held liable or responsible for your health decisions. These remedies are shared for entertainment and educational purposes only and are not meant to diagnose or cure any disease. None of these statements have been evaluated by the FDA and are not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.

Disclosure: I have included affiliate links in this post. Thank you for supporting my site!

Top image from pixabay.com

Original article and pictures take thehumbledhomemaker.com site

четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

7-Day Flush The Fat Away Meal Plan

7-Day Flush The Fat Away Meal Plan

If you’re ready to flush the fat away, try our 7-Day Flush The Fat Meal Plan that includes clean eating recipes, drinks designed with flushing properties, whole food snacks, and a daily recipe that boosts the body’s ability to flush out toxins.

The importance of drinking plenty of water can’t be overstated. Water, including the naturally flavored varieties included in our Flush the Fat Away Drinks, has numerous benefits. Water helps to flush toxins and waste, keeps the body hydrated, and prevents constipation. If you are an avid exerciser or runner, your body may need additional water in order to stay hydrated.

We’ve carefully selected recipes that are nutrient packed and contain ingredients that are ideal for cleansing and detoxing the body.

How To Flush The Fat Away:

delicious drink recipes

1. Choose from 5 delicious Flush the Fat Away Drinks to enjoy ten minutes before each of the three daily meals.

2. Eat one serving of the suggested recipes and snacks or choose from additional options listed below.

3. Drink at least 64-ounces of water each day. The 64-ounces includes the ‘Flush The Fat Away Drink’ three times daily.

4. Include the ‘flush the fat away boost’ with either lunch, dinner, or both.

Day 1:

cleanse and detox superfood salad

Breakfast: Cleanse & Detox Smoothie

Mid-morning Snack: 10 red grapes (frozen are delicious)

Lunch: Quinoa Pilaf

Afternoon Snack: 10 walnut halves & one apple with peeling

Dinner: Flush The Fat Away Vegetable Soup (save enough for tomorrow’s lunch)

Boost: Cleanse & Detox Superfood Salad

Day 2:

strawberry banana smoothie

Breakfast: Strawberry Banana Protein Smoothie

Snack: 10 raw almonds & one apple with peeling

Lunch: Flush The Fat Away Vegetable Soup

Snack: 1/2 cup plain, fat-free Greek yogurt combined with 1/2 cup blueberries and 1 teaspoon raw honey (honey is optional)

Dinner: Protein Packed Black Bean & Lentil Soup (save enough for tomorrow’s lunch)Boost: Mediterranean Quinoa Salad

Day 3:

protein packed black bean and lentil soup

Breakfast: Super Green Detox Drink

Snack: 10 raw walnut halves & one orange

Lunch: Protein Packed Black Bean & Lentil Soup

Snack: 10 red grapes

Dinner: Roasted Cauliflower Soup (save enough for tomorrow’s lunch)Boost: Tomato, Blueberry, & Fennel Salad

Day 4:

roasted cauliflower soup recipe

Breakfast: Cleanse & Detox Smoothie

Snack: 10 baby carrots

Lunch: Roasted Cauliflower Soup

Snack: 10 raw walnut halves & 10 red grapes

Dinner: Crustless Asparagus Quiche (save enough for tomorrow’s lunch)Boost: Skinny Fruit & Yogurt Salad

Day 5:

vanilla quinoa and roasted blueberry breakfast bowl

Breakfast: Vanilla Quinoa & Roasted Blueberry Bowl

Snack: 10 raw almonds & one orange

Lunch: Crustless Asparagus Quiche

Snack: 10 red grapes

Dinner: Lentil & Kale Soup (save enough for tomorrow’s lunch)Boost: Green Beans with Dried Cranberries & Walnuts

Day 6:

classic cucumber tomato salad

Breakfast: Cleanse & Detox Smoothie

Snack: 10 raw almonds & one apple with peeling

Lunch: Lentil & Kale Soup

Snack: 10 baby carrots

Dinner: Skinny Quinoa with Black Beans (save enough for tomorrow’s lunch)

Boost: Classic Cucumber & Tomato Salad

Day 7:

orange quinoa stuffed sweet potatoes

Breakfast: Super Green Detox Drink

Snack: 10 walnut halves & one orange

Lunch: Skinny Quinoa with Black Beans

Snack: 10 red grapes

Dinner: Orange Quinoa Stuffed Sweet Potato

Boost: Cleanse & Detox Superfood Salad

Additional options for the 7-Day Flush The Fat Away Meal Plan:

Additional Breakfast Options:

apple cinnamon coconut smoothie

Individual Egg & Spinach Bowl

Apple Cinnamon Coconut Smoothie

Strawberry, Almond Butter, & Oatmeal ParfaitAlmond Protein SmoothieSuperfoods Smoothie

Additional Lunch Options:

roasted cauliflower and red peppers with olives

Quinoa Fruit Salad

Sweet Potato and Apple Cole Slaw

Citrus Quinoa Salad Roasted Cauliflower with Red Peppers & Olives

Additional Dinner Options:

vegetable and quinoa stew aka fridge cleanout stew

Spicy Sweet Potato & Bean Soup

Vegetable & Quinoa Stew

Barley with Fresh & Sun-Dried Tomatoes

Stuffed Sweet Potatoes Southwestern Style

Additional Snack Options:

chili lime spiced pumpkin seeds

Check out our 3-Day Cleanse & Detox with a downloadable shopping list.

Instead of filling up on sugary juices or depriving yourself of real food, try our plan that flushes the fat away, and stay energized and nourished while you detox and lose fat!

Original article and pictures take useast-cdn.skinnyms.com site

7-Day Clean Eating Meal Plan

7-Day Clean Eating Meal Plan


clean eating meal plan



Banana Chocolate Chip Yogurt Parfait (from this Awesome Healthy Breakfast Option)

Start your week with a delicious yogurt parfait stacked with nonfat Greek yogurt, granola, organic dark chocolate chips and banana. It’s a sweet treat that’s packed with protein, potassium, fiber, antioxidants and other nutrients–and we like that in the clean eating diet! Get the recipe, as well as other delicious breakfast ideas, at Easy Healthy Breakfast Recipes.

clean eating meal plan


Apple slices with All Natural Peanut Butter Dip

clean eating meal plan


Turkey Mozzarella and Alfalfa Sprouts Sandwich

This sandwich is wholesome, delicious and easy-to-make. It’s the perfect healthy lunch meal for work or school. Get recipe at Clean Eating Lunch, and enjoy!

clean eating meal plan


Whole Wheat Fig Bars

If you’re having a snack attack, bypass candy bars and enjoy delicious whole wheat fig bars to curb cravings.

clean eating meal plan


Smoked Salmon and Egg White Over Spinach and Tomato Salad

Your choice of dressing, of course; but we recommend Organicville Organic Salad Dressing.

clean eating meal plan



Whole Wheat Bread with All Natural Peanut Butter, Banana Slices and Chia Seeds (from This Recipe)

clean eating meal plan


Kale Chips with Cheddar

Did you know that kale is one of the best sources for potassium? It’s also abundant in antioxidants and vitamins; and when it has been toasted and splashed with natural cheddar, it makes a crunchy and tasty idea for clean eating snack.

clean eating meal plan


Baked Chicken Over Garden Salad with Organic Honey Dijoin Dressing

clean eating meal plan


Nonfat Strawberry Frozen Greek Yogurt

clean eating meal plan


Chicken Breast Over Mixed Greens with Organic Lite Ranch and Crainsins

clean eating meal plan



Nonfat Greek Yogurt with Banana, Honey and Organic Granola

Who knew that such a simple combo can taste so good! Enjoy more simple breakfast ideas at Easy Healthy Breakfast.

clean eating meal plan


Oats, Crainsin and Toasted Coconut Chips

clean eating meal plan


Turkey Burger with Avocado

In this particular turkey burger recipe, ground turkey was blended with whole wheat bread crumbs to ensure manageable texture while maintaining clean and wholesome values. Each bite has solid consistency but still tastes juicy and flavorful, especially with avocado and a little bit of cheddar.

clean eating meal plan


Kiwi and Cucumber Slices

clean eating meal plan


Stir Fry Brussels Sprout and Chicken (from This Recipe)

Our Brussels sprout and chicken stir fry has been a popular recipe since its first debut. Why? Because it’s easy-to-do and good-to-taste. In less than 30 minutes, you can create a delicious chicken dinner that’s both clean and nutrients-rich. It combines well with any type of organic grain but also tastes good by itself. We hope you give it a try.

clean eating meal plan



Bran Muffin

Breakfast on the go? No problem! Grab a clean and wholesome bran muffin!

clean eating meal plan


Fresh Cantaloupe

clean eating meal plan


Broiled Salmon with Garden Salad

You can’t go wrong with succulent salmon and a colorful side of fresh veggies.

clean eating meal plan


I Heart Keenwah Almond Clusters

Natural quinoa and almond clusters are the perfect bite-sized gluten-free snacks.

clean eating meal plan


Baked Teriyaki Chicken Breast with Corn and Edamame on the Side.

clean eating meal plan



Grape Blueberry Smoothie (from this recipe)

Take advantage of blueberry season by enjoying a breakfast smoothie full of sweet blueberries and grapes–a quick and refreshing breakfast option for the work week’s last day.

clean eating meal plan


Blackberries and Raspberries

clean eating meal plan


Apple Avocado Salad (from this recipe)

Mixing sweet apples with supple avocado creates quite a tasty combo that offers fun, crunchy texture and savory flavors. The original recipe, found here, doesn’t include meat, but you can always add your own to enforce a healthy dose of protein.

clean eating diet plan dinner


DANG Toasted Coconut Chips

These gluten-free, vegan-friendly coconut chips taste great by themselves but are also good additions to trail mix, yogurt parfaits and various desserts. They’re organic, natural, cholesterol-free and most of all, loved by both adults and kids.

Get them at Dang Coconut Chips. They’re too good to pass up!

clean eating meal plan


Honey Mustard Chicken (Recipe Here)

Mmm! Sweet honey and tangy mustard always makes a mouthwatering sauce that’s especially tasty with baked chicken and steamed veggies. Get our clean eating honey mustard chicken recipe at this location. We hope you like it!

clean eating meal plan



All Natural Peanut Butter French Toast

Whole Wheat Egg-Dipped French Toast with creamy Peanut Butter jammed in between–absolutely mouthwatering! Get recipe at Easy Healthy Breakfast Recipe. It’s amazing!

clean eating meal plan bk


Apple Slices and Carrot Sticks

clean eating meal plan snack


Egg and Tomato Stir Fry

Top this simple vegetarian stir fry over quinoa or organic brown rice, and you’ve yourself a flavorful, protein-ful clean eating lunch.

clean eating meal plan


Banana and All-Natural Peanut Butter Sandwich.

clean eating meal plan snack


Like stir fry? Try our easy stir fry recipe with garlic, shrimp and green beans. It’s not only mouthwatering but also low in calories and rich in protein. Get recipe at Clean Eating Stir Fry.

clean eating meal plan



Whole Wheat Toast with Nonfat Ricotta, Fruit Slices and Honey

Try an easy healthy breakfast toast topped with honey, ricotta and fruits. You’ll love its healthiness as much as your kids will love its sweetness.

clean eaten meal plan


LARABar Fruit and Nut Bars

LaraBars make great candidates for clean eating snacks because they offer similar nutritional value as leading energy bars but are made with all-natural ingredients and therefore have natural flavors. They are one of the best snack bars out on the market right now, and will leave you pleasantly surprised.

Get them at LARABar Fruit and Nut Snack Bars.

clean eating meal plan snack


Chicken Cabbage Wrap

Wrapping crunchy cabbage slices with tender chicken breast and adding savory Asian sauce creates a delicious lunch you can whip up in less than 10 minutes. Get recipe at Clean Eating Lunch Chicken Cabbage Wrap. You’ll love this idea!

clean eating meal plan lunch


Hard Boiled Eggs

Hard boiled eggs are about the cleanest way to obtain protein. Plus, they taste good and are easy to make.

clean eating meal plan snack


Shrimp Avocado Quinoa Bowl

On Sunday night, take it easy with a simple yet healthy combo of shrimp, quinoa, avocado and Brussels sprouts. It’s loaded with flavor and offers plenty of omega-3, protein and vitamins–a brilliant way to end 7 days of clean eating diet.

Interested in the recipe? Get it at Shrimp Avocado and Quinoa Bowl.

clean eating diet plan

clean eating meal plan

Thank you for your time!

We hope to see you back for more clean eating recipes, ideas and meal plans! Til’ next time.

Original article and pictures take www.cleaneatingrecipesblog.com site

пятница, 10 октября 2008 г.

7 Ways to Survive Cabin Fever This Winter

7 Ways to Survive Cabin Fever This Winter

Afraid cabin fever will drive you crazy this winter? Here are 7 things you can do to help your kids–and you–survive cabin fever during the colder months of the year!

Cabin fever doesn’t have to drive us crazy, instead it can motivate us to change things up and make our homes more loving and fun for all of us – mom, too!

Guest post by Hal and Melanie Young of Raising Real Men

When a damp, cold breeze blew across the football field the other night, I shuddered. Winter was coming!

See, we have six sons – and two little girls. I love football season. The boys are so peaceful when they’re playing football. They spend several hours a week exercising like mad and using up all their excess testosterone whacking into other people’s boys. <grin> It’s great, but it’s almost over.

So, how can we keep them from getting cabin fever when winter comes?

1. Get Them Up

Moms come up to us at conferences all the time, “I just don’t know what to do! My son just poops out halfway through his schoolwork. I try to tell him, ‘Come on son, we just have three more subjects to go, then we can take a break!’”

We always ask, “How’s that working for you?” It usually isn’t. Listen, folks: Sometimes, it takes all their energy to sit still and they have nothing left to learn with! Instead, get them up and get them active!

2. Get Them Moving

A surefire sign of cabin fever in our guys is that constant pesting that’s not angry, but just bored – trying to get a rise out of their siblings for entertainment. Our solution? “Give me ten on the stairs!” Somehow the frantic activity of running up and down the steps seems to sap all that annoying stuff right out of them! Push-ups, mini-trampolines, and jumping jacks work great, too.

Getting enough exercise is especially important with those challenging nine to twelve year olds. They’re so full of hormones and energy, they seem to be looking for conflict! That may be why our Boot Camp 9-12 for parents is so popular – we all struggle when they’re that age!

Check out these fun, practical ways to overcome cabin fever when winter weather keeps you indoors!

3. Go Outside Anyway

I know, I know. When you have a bunch of young children it seems like it takes way more energy to get them ready to go out than they could possibly spend out there. Been there. It’s important, though. They need time to run and play and pretend – even when the weather’s cold and snowy. Sometimes even in the rain. Even if it means another load of laundry. And if you want to get a little outside time, too? Take everyone for an invigorating walk!

4. Get to Work

One great cure for cabin fever and the “I’m bored…” stuff is to get everyone up working on a big project. Have a race-the-clock clean-up: spend fifteen minutes cleaning as hard and fast as possible in one room before switching to another room. Promise a break and snack after three rooms or maybe a movie or special treat if all the rooms get done!

5. Get Enough Vitamin D

One reason for droopiness in the winter can be a lack of vitamin D. Be sure everyone is getting enough from being outside without sunscreen, getting it in their diets (salmon, tuna, liver, cheese, egg yolks, fortified milk, mainly), or taking supplements (D3 is the one we use). It’ll help everyone’s immune system and mood, in my experience.

6. Get Out of the Rut

Do something different than you usually do. Take a field trip. Have an indoor picnic. Pretend you are on Noah’s Ark for the day. Or, one of our favorites: Build the biggest sheet and chair fort ever – then cuddle up and read inside.

Are you suffering from cabin fever? Here are some ideas to help you use your imagination and survive those dreary winter days!

7. Use Your Imagination

Reading a great story is a go-to for us. Gather everyone around and read aloud an adventure like The Swiss Family Robinson to transport you to a sunny land.

We loved reading Pollyanna last winter. We laughed ourselves to tears – and learned to be grateful. Our family loved it so much, we made an audiobook of it!

Did you know Theodore Roosevelt wrote a book for kids? He did and it’s a favorite here: Hero Tales from American History. We added sound effects to this one, because history’s way better with cannon fire. Don’t forget to read your own childhood favorites to your children, too!

Cabin fever doesn’t have to drive us crazy, instead it can motivate us to change things up and make our homes more loving and fun for all of us – mom, too!

What do you do when everyone is going crazy from cabin fever?

Hal and Melanie Young
Hal & Melanie Young are the authors of Raising Real Men, the 2011 Christian Small Publishers Book of the Year, and the parents of six real sons and two real daughters. They lead a life of adventure traveling the country with their family speaking about raising boys, homeschooling, marriage, and family life. Read their blog, follow them on Facebook, or ask them to speak.

Original article and pictures take thehumbledhomemaker.com site