четверг, 28 октября 2010 г.

Coconut Flour Banana Pancake Buddies (GF, DF)

Coconut Flour Banana Pancake Buddies (GF, DF)
Banana Buddies Pancakes GF

As many of you friends know, I’ve been working nearly round-the-clock since the beginning of the year on a wonderful new cookbook called Everyday Grain-Free Baking,” which will be available online and in bookstores starting in January 2015.

Update! I’m excited to announce that Everyday Grain-Free Baking is now available! See the note below and click here to get an exciting SNEAK PEEK of this beautiful new cookbook written just for YOU!

My heart in writing this cookbook and developing more than 100 delicious recipes, is to help individuals and families who are living gluten-free, grain-free to rediscover the joy of baking and passing down fond family memories and traditions. My philosophy is … Although many of us live with the challenge of adhering to various dietary restrictions, by no means should these restrict us from experiencing the joy of sharing cherished traditions with our family and friends. All it takes is a little inspiration to recreate healthier versions of those favorite recipes from our past – which is exactly what you’ll discover in my new published cookbook.

As a special thank you to my amazing and wonderful sponsor – Honeyville Farms – I’m sharing this special family-friendly recipe from my new cookbook. I love this recipe because it allows you to rediscover a family tradition that many of us grew up enjoying – with a healthy, new twist of course! These whimsically delicious Coconut Flour Banana Pancake Buddies are such a treat, with or without the funny faces.

So please join me at Honeyville Farms today to say “hello” and pin, print or bookmark this delicious recipe. It’s truly the perfect pancake for making breakfast time healthy and FUN!


This delightful recipe is just one of more than 100 irresistible grain-free, dairy-free recipes in my new cookbook – Everyday Grain-Free Baking!

From breads, biscuits and muffins to savory snacks and decadent treats, you’ll find step-by-step instructions, beautiful color photographs and helpful tips & tidbits to make all of your GF baking adventures a delicious success!

Click here to get a SNEAK PEEK of the book!

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Original article and pictures take thenourishinghome.com site

понедельник, 25 октября 2010 г.

Coco Honey Fat Bombs – GAPS-Legal

Coco Honey Fat Bombs – GAPS-Legal

I may receive a commission if you purchase through links in this post. - Danielle

Coco Honey FAT BOMBS - GAPS-legal

Fat is Phat

Well, well. Here you are reading a post with the words FAT BOMBS in the title. Bravo for you!!

Yes, dear friends, if you weren’t already aware: SATURATED FAT is GOOD for you. Our bodies need fat! I’d love to chase the saturated fat rabbit, but that’s not why I’m here today. If you’re interested in further reading on saturated fat and its health benefits, check out these articles:

>> Why Saturated Fat is Here to Stay

>>The Saturated Fat Myth Debunked in Two Minutes and Thirty-Five Seconds

>>The Skinny on Saturated Fat

>>And More Saturated Fat Benefits

Coconut Oil – My Fave Fat

This leads me to coconut oil- my favorite fat. I don’t even know where to begin when I talk about this fat. Coconut oil is healthy and it’s oh so delicious, too.

Aside from the amazing flavor it adds to smoothies, popcorn, and muffins, it boasts a myriad of benefits. Coconut oil is:

  • antiviral
  • antibacterial
  • antifungal
  • kills parasites
  • gives a clean energy boost
  • improves insulin secretion
  • increases metabolic rate
  • aids in digestion
  • increases absorption of vitamins
  • softens skin (makes a great, all-natural moisturizer)
  • and so much more

Coconut oil is also a help for those on the GAPS diet. Since it aids in digestion, it helps relieve constipation, something that occurs frequently on the GAPS diet and needs to be avoided.

That being said, since coconut oil is so powerful, it is imperative that you start slowly when taking it. It can cause die-off (toxins released when pathogens die in the gut) which is a good thing, but if you do make these, please don’t go overboard and start cramming these babies. You’ll pay for it later. Start with 1/2 or 1 a day.

The first time I ate a fat bomb, I felt a little queasy a bit later. But the next day, my body had adjusted, I had no problems, and I continue to eat 1 or 2 a day. I love ’em.

Also, the honey adds a nice bit of sugar and enzymes, and helps me when I feel my blood sugar getting low.

So without further adieu…

Coco Honey Fat Bombs – GAPS-legal


  • Coco Honey Fat Bombs - GAPS-legal



  1. Combine coconut oil and honey in blender, and run on low till thoroughly combined. You might need to use a tamper to push the solidified oil around to blend.
  2. Pour into molds or into glass pan and freeze. Store in the freezer for a cool, sweet, fat treat. Easy, just how I like it!


If you want to put them straight into a glass pan, just cut them into about 1″x1″ squares.

If you’re not interested in freezing in molds and just want the good stuff – by all means, just blend the two together (make sure the coconut oil is not melted) in a bowl with a spoon. Use said spoon to deliver right to your mouth.

Coco Honey FAT BOMBS - GAPS-legal

Enjoy your fat.



Original article and pictures take 0fc5cb92f9783431f3abc5cf-ecffocieq.netdna-ssl.com site

пятница, 22 октября 2010 г.

Cloth Diapering Options

Cloth Diapering Options

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Need a basic overview of all the cloth diapering options out there? Check here for terms and

Why would I use cloth diapers?

  • Money. Cloth is cheaper. It’s a bigger initial investment, but it’s cheaper in the long run. For each additional child you diaper with those same diapers, the cost goes down even further.
  • Convenience. Okay, I know some of you are laughing at the idea of cloth being convenient. But seriously, with the options available today, changing them isn’t difficult. And, yes, you have to wash them, but you also don’t just “run out” and have to go buy more at midnight. (I’m not necessarily saying they’re more convenient than disposables. They’re just a different kind of convenient.)
  • Comfort. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t want to wear paper underwear. I don’t think I should make my little ones wear paper on their bottoms, either.
  • Health. Some studies have linked the chemical gels in disposables to asthma and such. (There are one or two brands that sell gel-free disposables. Tushies are the best-known.)

Now What?

Okay, so you’re convinced. You want to try cloth. But with all these new options, you’re kind of confused. First of all, you most likely want to not buy anything you can find at your local store. If you can find diaper service quality prefolds, they’re probably all right. And diaper pins shouldn’t be a problem. Some people don’t mind Dappi wraps, either, which I think you can buy at Target. Other than that, you probably want to steer clear of the department store stuff. Whatever you do, don’t buy those awful prefolds with the supposedly absorbent polyester padding in the middle. They will leak terribly and you will wonder why you ever tried cloth. You can do better, and I’ll tell you where you can find the good stuff.

Cloth Diaper Guide

Here are the basic diaper options:

These are the really thin, very large flat diapers. You can sometimes find these in the stores, and I think they’re okay quality-wise. I personally wouldn’t use these unless I was desperate, as they have to be folded about a zillion times and I just don’t want to mess with it. Some of the ladies I talk to like them, though. (If you’re interested in this, you’ll have to find folding information somewhere else, as I don’t have any at this time.) These need to be accompanied by covers of some kind.
These are what we primarily use, as they are pretty much the cheapest option (along with flats). These are the flat rectangular diapers that are somewhere around the size of a really big piece of paper. The best ones to get are generally the diaper service quality (DSQ) or Chinese prefolds, in the 4x8x4 thickness (or sometimes 4x6x4 for newborns). This means that they are 4 layers thick on the sides and 8 layers thick in the middle. These also require covers.
These diapers are shaped somewhat like a disposable, either flat or with elastic to help them fit better in the legs. Most fitted diapers come with fasteners of some sort (snaps or velcro/aplix/touchtape). Shaped or fitted
diapers also require covers.
Also known as AIOs, these diapers are the easiest option but also the most expensive. These diapers are fitted, with elastic and fasteners, and have a water-resistant or waterproof layer so separate covers aren’t needed. You
just put these on baby like a disposable and wash them instead of throwing them away. Some of them are so thick that they don’t dry very quickly, so that’s something to look into before you buy a bunch of one kind.
Fuzzi Bunz Pocket Diapers
These need a category to themselves. Fuzzi Bunz are “pockets” of fleece and PUL (polyurethane laminate) which can be used over prefolds as covers or can be “stuffed” with prefolds and used as AIOs. [UPDATE: There are now other Work-at-Home-Moms (WAHMs) making similar products.]

Diaper Covers:

There are two basic options here: pull-on pants (like the plastic pants our moms had available to them) and wraps. I personally prefer wraps, as I think they’re easier to change. If you’re using velcro wraps, you can use prefolds with no

pins – just fold the prefold into thirds the long way, and snug the wrap up tight. Prefolds or flats with snap wraps or pull-on covers will need pins. Diaper covers are generally available in waterproof fabrics (like PUL), polyester fleece

(see note on fleece toward the bottom of this page), and wool (which absorbs more than its weight in liquid before feeling wet and has the advantage of being a natural fiber).


These are pretty self-explanatory, I think.
This is kind of a nifty little product. It’s a stretchy plastic T-shaped device, which holds the diaper in place in basically the same way those little metal clips on Ace bandages work. They are about $2 each, and you really only need one. (We like to have two so one is always easily available.)
These are all basically the same thing. I assume most of you are familiar with Velcro. Aplix is generally accepted as being softer and longer-lasting, although I haven’t compared them myself. I haven’t heard much about touchtape.
These are pretty self-explanatory, too, I think. Let me just reiterate that if you get snap covers and you aren’t using fitted diapers that have their own fasteners, you’ll need pins or a Snappi.

Diaper Accessories:

Doublers are smaller than diapers. They are added as an extra layer to provide additional absorbancy without a lot of extra bulk. (You can also use the newborn-sized diapers as doublers inside larger diapers.)

Liners can be either disposable or reusable. They’re used to either protect the diapers from staining (especially with meconium – a newborn’s first poops, which are tar-like) or to keep baby feeling drier. Fleece liners are good for the latter.

A note on fleece: Fleece refers to polyester fleece in the cloth diapering community – most often Malden Mills fleece. Fleece is not absorbent. This allows it to be used as a stay-dry liner (as the urine will go right through it to soak into whatever absorbent layers are on the other side), or as a breathable cover. I’m told, though, that snug pants don’t work over a fleece cover, as the cover will wick some under those circumstances.

My favorite cloth diaper source is Jardine Diapers. She has a gift registry and the best prices I’ve found on the ‘net (which is where you pretty much have to shop to buy decent diaper stuff). I think she sells everything I’ve mentioned. This is where we’ve bought the majority of our diapering supplies.

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Original article and pictures take titus2homemaker.com site

вторник, 19 октября 2010 г.

Clean Enough for Cancer

Clean Enough for Cancer
Clean Enough for Cancer

I may receive a commission if you purchase something mentioned on this page. See more details here.

This was shared with me not too long ago and I really felt called to share it with all of you. What a staggering and sobering stat!

“Stay at home moms and women who work from home are 54% more likely to die from cancer than women who don't work from home.”

Let that sink in. I thought our homes were supposed to be the SAFEST place! As it turns out, toxic chemicals may be filling our homes! Learn more about that here.

We are home working hard cooking, cleaning, driving our children to all of their commitments, keeping people alive and trying to stay sane. All the while, we're slowly killing ourselves with the toxins we've brought into our homes and the stress that we feel to measure up.

Mamas, we have a seriously hard job and SO many choices to make! We are all just doing our best!

I know it's easy to roll your eyes at the whole movement of living “clean” and eating organic, to take aim at the mama who goes to great lengths to avoid toxins and processed foods. She's crazy or paranoid or trying too hard. Hey, maybe you cheer her on but it just isn't your thing!

There is no shame in this mama game however it is that you roll, but doing better for our kids needs to be all of our thing. I think it is pretty safe to say that we all want to do the best for our kids.

When standards are lowered for the products that can be sold, we have to raise the bar on educating ourselves and making informed choices! We have to know better and do better for ourselves and our kids.

In one study, over 800 of the nearly 3000 (tested) chemicals we find in our personal care products (that we rub all over ourselves and our kids every. darn. day.) were found to be toxic. This is an uphill battle! These chemicals are banned in other countries.

Here are just a handful of things these toxic chemicals may cause:

  • interrupt our hormone production
  • cause acute toxicity
  • cause biological mutations
  • skin and eye irritations
  • respiratory issues
  • cause cancer

Here are just a few places you'll find these things in your home:

  • household cleaners
  • shampoo, conditioner, baby wash
  • lotions and creams
  • sunscreen and bug spray
  • scented candles and waxes
  • make up

It's scary how normal it's become to slap buzz words like “clean” or “organic” or “natural” on toxic-soup products just to market them to mamas who are trying to do their best!

So, what do we do? We educate ourselves!

+ Get the ThinkDirty app and scan all your products. See how they score in terms of toxicity and start replacing the worst offenders!

+ Save a list of the Dirty Dozen and be sure to buy only organic of those things.

+ Make it easy for yourself and look into ALL the things Young Living offers.

It's SO much more than oils and I am forever thankful that I can get my cleaners and personal products from YL in my monthly wellness box and never worry that they are anything less than the best!

They've got us covered for cleaning ALL the things (with ONE cleaner), laundry, dishes, bathing, moisturizing and pretty much everything else. It doesn't get easier or higher quality. See all the goodness here!

Empowered mamas are the best kind! I am cheering you on, friends! You owe it to your kids and yourself to stick around. You don't have to be a statistic. Be a warrior and fight for your health before it's too late!

Clean Enough for Cancer
Oh Lardy! is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.



Original article and pictures take ohlardy.com site

четверг, 14 октября 2010 г.

Clean Eating Weight Loss Meal Plan Day 119

Clean Eating Weight Loss Meal Plan Day 119
clean eating meal plan 119
clean eating meal plan 119


Egg White and Onion Sandwich

There's no reason not to like this easy and protein-rich breakfast sandwich, which you can find the recipe at Healthy Breakfast Sandwich.

clean eating meal plan 119
clean eating meal plan 119

Mid Morning Snack

Organic Apple Slices

clean eating meal plan 119
clean eating meal plan 119


Fried Cheesy Eggs and Apple Slices

clean eating meal plan 119
clean eating meal plan 119

clean eating meal plan 119
clean eating meal plan 119

clean eating meal plan 119
clean eating meal plan 119

Afternoon Snack

Garden Fresh Tomato with Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar

clean eating meal plan 119
clean eating meal plan 119


Baked Chicken Breast Over Mixed Greens and Natural Colby Jack Cheese, in Dressing of Your Choice

clean eating meal plan 119
clean eating meal plan 119

clean eating meal plan 119
clean eating meal plan 119

clean eating meal plan 119
clean eating meal plan 119

Thank you again for your time!

Hope you enjoyed today's meal plan!

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Thank you for visiting Clean Eating Meal Plan! Please leave a comment.

Original article and pictures take cleaneatingmealplan.blogspot.com site

понедельник, 11 октября 2010 г.

Clean Eating Weight Loss Meal Plan 99

Clean Eating Weight Loss Meal Plan 99


Toasted Whole Wheat English Muffin, with All Natural Peanut Butter and Raisins. Banana Slices on the Side.

Mid Morning Snack

If you like sweet and crunchy, you'll like these apple chips. Made with real apples and tossed in natural flavors, they're both delectable and healthy. I'll take them over potato chips any day.

Try them at Seneca Apple Crisps.

Avocado Tomato Open Face Sandwich

Even meat lovers will enjoy this all-veggie sandwich. Consisting of whole wheat bread topped with natural Swiss cheese, supple avocado, juicy tomato and fresh basil, it's light, energizing, and delightful in flavor.

The best part, though, is that it's easy to make. You can find recipe at Healthy Lunch Recipe.

Afternoon Snack


Glad I ran into this awesome and easy-to-do salad. Using natural ingredients like sea salt, cold-pressed olive oil and vinegar, this crunchy veggie bowl is full of both nutrition and flavor.

The recipe can be found here. I totally recommend it!

Photo credit goes to www.healthyfoodcorner.com.

Thank you for visiting Clean Eating and Weight Loss Meal Plan again!

Hope you liked today's meal plan, and return for future posts.

Enjoy your day, and enjoy your weekend!




What it does:

  • The fitbit wirstband tracks all-day activities stats like steps taken, distance traveled, calories burned, stairs climbed, and minutes you've been active
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  • Its revolutionary technology is accurate, easy-to-use and most of all, help you lose weight and keep fit

Advanced technology; great fitness and weight loss help.

Original article and pictures take cleaneatingmealplan.blogspot.com site

четверг, 7 октября 2010 г.

Clean Eating Weight Loss Meal Plan 95

Clean Eating Weight Loss Meal Plan 95


Baked Avocado Boat with Egg and All Natural Shredded Colby Jack Cheese. Whole Wheat Toast and Banana Slices on the Side.

For baked avocado boat, cut avocado into two halves and pit, crack eggs inside the hollowed centers, sprinkle with all natural shredded cheese, and bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes. The outcome is delicious!

Vega Snack Bar in Chocolate Peanut Butter Flavor (from here)

Made from wholesome ingredients like almonds, cashews, chia seeds, hemp seeds, buck wheat and more, these sweet yet healthy snack bars are delicious and satisfying.

When it comes to taste, they're just as good as candy bars; when it comes to nutrition, they're undoubtedly better.

Try them at Vega Healthy Snack Bars.

Cucumber and Chicken Salad (recipe here)

Need a quick lunch? You can whip up this salad in minutes. It's quick, fresh and delicious. If you like tender chicken and crunchy cucumbers, you'll enjoy this refreshing and healthy idea.

Find recipe at Clean Eating Lunch - Cucumber Chicken Salad.

Apple Slices with All Natural Peanut Butter

If you haven't tried Teddie Old-Fashioned All Natural Peanut Butter, you're missing out. It's smooth, creamy and rich, but is free of preservatives, GMO, additives and gluten. I've become a huge fan of the brand since starting clean eating.

Give it a try at Teddie All Natural Peanut Butter.

Honey Mustard Pork Slices with Roasted Curry Cauliflower

The sweet and tangy flavor of pork slices mix well with the curry taste of roasted cauliflower. Both items took less than 30 minutes to prepare, which makes this meal great for weekend night dinner.

If you're interested in the honey mustard pork, get recipe at clean eating dinner.

Hope you like this recommendation!

Thank you again for visiting Clean Eating Weight Loss Meal Plan!

See you next time.





Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation System

DVD Set (on sale here)

  • 4-DVD, 6-workout fitness set that's been designed for full-body, head-to-toe workout
  • Filled with hot dance steps, pulsating rhythms, and easy-to-follow routines
  • Comes with maraca-like toning sticks that add muscle to your cardio
  • Includes a variety of workouts with the basics, 20-minute express workout, and sculpt-and-tone routine
  • DVD also includes "cardio party" workout and flat abs workout

Dance your way to skinny with Zumba at Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation System DVD Set!

Original article and pictures take cleaneatingmealplan.blogspot.com site

среда, 6 октября 2010 г.

Clean Eating Weight Loss Meal Plan 94

Clean Eating Weight Loss Meal Plan 94


Chicken or Egg Salad Stuffed Avocado Boats

These can be eaten as both breakfast and lunch. For breakfast I prefer using eggs. The boats are easy-to-make and taste great. They make a healthy and low-carb breakfast.

Find recipe recipe at Clea Eating Breakfast with Avocado.

Mid Morning Snack

Organic Plantain Chips (try these)

Plantains are similar to bananas in both appearance, texture and nutritional value but are denser than bananas and contain more vitamins, fiber and potassium than bananas do.

Plantain chips are crunchy and sweet. Inka Crops Plantain Chips (seen below) are what I recommend. They are roasted and sprinkled with just a dash of salt, and are all natural with no trans fat or hydrogenated oil.

If you crave something crunchy for a snack, instead of potato chips or Doritos, try plantain chips. They're equally delicious but much healthier.

Try: Inka Chips All Natural Gluten-Free Plantain Chips


Chicken Cucumber and Dill Salad

Simple and light, this salad was crunchy, flavorful and delightful. Attempt it at Clean Eating Salad. You'll enjoy this refreshing dish.

Photo credit by Best Clean Eating Recipes.

Afternoon Snack

Bear Naked Real Nut Energy Bars

When in need of a quick snack, I go for healthy snack bars like today's Bear Naked Real Nut Energy Bars that are not only crunchy and delicious but are also free of preservatives, hydrogenated oil, artificial ingredients and cholesterol.

They also come in various flavors, and my favorite is peanut butter.

If you haven't tried them, you absolutely should. Get them at Bear Naked Healthy Snack Bars.


Taco Lettuce Wraps

While browsing Pinterest I found this amazing lettuce wrap recipe from i heart nap time. Not only are the wraps creative, they are also full of flavor and fun to eat. To make these even cleaner, I would use organic lean ground turkey.

I loved them and hope you do too. Find recipe at Taco Lettuce Wraps.

Photo credit goes i heart nap time.

Thank you again for visiting today's Clean Eating and Weight Loss Meal Plan.

I hope you liked today's healthy clean eating ideas.

I also hope you come back soon.

Have a great weekend!

Original article and pictures take cleaneatingmealplan.blogspot.com site