пятница, 30 января 2015 г.

Natural Vapor Rub DIY

Natural Vapor Rub DIY
Photo by Grace Furman

Writing & photos by Grace Furman, contributing writer

It is official – winter is really here! Of course my first illness of the season hit to mark the occasion. I find it common that people seem to catch a bug or virus during the transition of seasons or when the weather suddenly changes.

Interestingly, it is actually not the cooler weather itself that is making us get sick. The real reason is because different strains of viruses thrive in different temperatures. Two main agents of the common cold multiply better in cooler temperatures which is why we experience them so often in the fall and winter. The flu virus also flourishes in the cold as well as in a dry climate making the winter the best time for it to take hold.

In my case, I was experiencing a sore throat, upper respiratory tract congestion, and a bit of a cough. Thankfully it was all just part of a run-of-the-mill cold virus, however, other illnesses that affect the respiratory system are not uncommon during the colder months as well. Bronchitis, flu, pneumonia, and sinus infection are just a few.

Whenever I caught this type of an illness while growing up, I would be slathered in Vicks VapoRub. Unfortunately, mainstream store-bought decongestant ointments like Vicks contain potentially harmful ingredients.

One of the worst offenders is synthetic fragrances, which have been linked to allergies, irritations, and even organ system toxicity. Another common ingredient found in over-the-counter ointments is petrolatum (aka petroleum jelly). And again, petrolatum is also connected to organ system toxicity.

Who needs fake fragrances and petroleum by-products when you can utilize the natural healing power of essential oils? You still get that same great scent. In fact, I think they smell even better.

Whether you are sick with a cold, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, or even dealing with chronic issues, this Natural Vapor Rub DIY should help relieve your symptoms and promote healing.

Note: The common cold typically runs its course in about 10 days. It is important to see a health care provider if your symptoms increase in severity or last longer than a week. Always err on the side of caution if you are unsure. This remedy is not meant to replace medication when required.



  1. Measure coconut oil, shea butter, and grated beeswax into a double boiler. If you do not have a double boiler, a small pot or glass jar within a medium pot of shallow water will also work.
  2. Heat the ingredients over low-medium until they have completed melted. Stir occasionally.
  3. Pour into a clean container such as a jar or tin with a lid.
  4. Allow to cool at room temperature until solid.
  5. Once it has set, add in all the essential oils while stirring with a small fork or spoon.
  6. Store the Vapor Rub in a cool, dry place away from direct light such as a bathroom cabinet or drawer.

Photo by Grace Furman

To use, rub a substantial amount onto your chest and throat as needed. Really breathe in the scent while doing this. You can also massage it into the soles of your feet and cover with socks.

This rub is especially helpful before bedtime so you can breathe easier.

*Safety note: Lemon, peppermint, and eucalyptus essential oils are not recommended for use while pregnant by some sources. Check with a professional and always exercise caution.

†Safety note: Peppermint and eucalyptus essential oil are not recommended for use on children under 6 years old. For older children, the essential oils should be diluted twice as much.

For an excellent child-friendly essential oil option, I love Plant Therapy’s blends: Immune Boom, Sniffle Stopper, and Germ Destroyer. You can buy these three in a set here.

Coconut Oil

• Has antibacterial properties

• Contains vitamin E

Shea Butter

• Found to reduce inflammation

• Aids in muscle fatigue, aches, and tension

• Contains vitamin E and vitamin A


• Contains anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral properties

Lemon Essential Oil

• Has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties

• Stimulates lymphatic system meaning white blood cells get better circulated throughout the body and can start fighting infection, the lymphatic system also helps rid the body of toxins

• Aids in overcoming respiratory conditions

• Boosts the immune system’s function

• Provides an energy boost

Peppermint Essential Oil

• Has antibacterial and antiviral properties

• Supports the respiratory system’s function

• Clears the respiratory tract

• Loosens mucus so you can cough it up

• Clears nasal congestion

• Contains soothing menthol

• Stimulates sweating and thus can help with fever

• Provides an energy boost

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

• Has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties

• Loosens phlegm and mucus so you can expel it

• Relieves nasal congestion

• Relieves coughing

• Improves respiratory circulation

• Boosts the immune system’s function

• Provides an energy boost

When I realized I had caught a cold, I made the Natural Vapor Rub that day. I applied it to my chest and up my throat before going to bed. The next morning I woke up already feeling better than I had the day before even after just that very first night using it. With continued use, I proceeded to completely nip that cold in the bud within a couple days.

Now I have the rest of the batch already on hand for when the next respiratory illness strikes or if my husband, who is a teacher, brings home something from school.

The Natural Vapor Rub is so effective because it has the healing forces of nature working for it. Remember to combine it with good hand washing, extra rest, nutritious food, and ample hydration. Of course water is the king of hydration; however, there are other options to add in as well if you are craving some variety. Try sipping on homemade broth, herbal tea, coconut water, or kombucha as well.

If you use the Natural Vapor Rub and follow these guidelines, I’m confident you will be feeling better shortly.

Grace Furman is a freelance writer and blogger at Heartful Habits. Heartful Habits is a place of inspiration and support for your natural health and wellness journey. She loves learning and sharing about wellness tips, natural remedies, beauty DIYs, green cleaners, and more.

Affiliates link may have been used in this post. They don’t change your price at all, but I get a few cents back, which helps me continue to provide all of this awesome free content around here. Thanks for supporting small business!

Vapor Rub Pinnable

Original article and pictures take redandhoney.com site

среда, 28 января 2015 г.

Natural Treatments for Croup

Natural Treatments for Croup

Photo Credit: RLHyde via Compfight cc

You know you are a parent when you can hear a cough from across the house, in the middle of the night, from the middle of a sound sleep, and immediately know what you’re dealing with – croup.

My kids are recovering from croup right now, and although it was our first time dealing with it, there is no mistaking that distinctive ‘bark’ sound that comes with it. Our pediatrician confirmed our diagnosis and suggested steroids. However, I’m sure it came as no surprise to him when we passed on the steroids and opted to treat the symptoms naturally at home. ***Please note that sometimes steroids ARE necessary with croup. It’s not something to mess around with if your child is not getting enough oxygen. Pray and use your own judgement. We watched our children really closely and were ready to take them in, if need be, but thankfully the following options were really effective in treating the symptoms at home. Also note I am not a doctor and none of this as meant to be medical advice.


Photo Credit: Larry He’s So Fine via Compfight cc

What is Croup?

According to Medical News Today, croup is “a common respiratory condition characterized by inflammation of the upper airways that often occurs in infants and children. The result is a swelling and narrowing of the larynx (voice box) and trachea (wind pipe) that results in a harsh, barking cough.” Our pediatrician told us that what seems like a simple cold to an adult can easily become croup in a young child since their airways are so much smaller.

Natural Treatments for Croup

There are many facets of alternative healthcare that can help promote healing: essential oils, herbs, homeopathics, etc. We used a combination of these and found them to be really effective in managing the symptoms and helping our boys recover. Here are some of the things we did:

  1. Let the fever do it’s job – It’s so tempting when our kids have a fever to break out the fever reducers. However, fevers are a good thing. They are our bodies natural defense and they serve a purpose in the healing process. Now obviously there is a time and place for managing fevers (if they are dangerously high). When our boys were feverish, instead of fever reducers, we kept them comfortable with lots of fluids, epsom salt baths, and cool wash cloths. (For more information about why we usually choose to not reduce fevers, check here, here, or here.)
  2. Steam/cool air – One of the most common and effective treatments for croup is warm steam and then cool air. You can take your child in the bathroom, shut the door and turn the shower on as hot as it goes. Sit in there with your child and just let them breathe in the warm steam. Then bundle them up and take them outside to breathe cold air. If it’s not cold outside you can open the freezer and let them breathe in that air. Putting a cool mist humidifier in their room at night is also useful for keeping the air moist.
  3. Stay upright – Laying flat can sometimes cause the coughing to increase or the congestion to accumulate. Prop up their bed or crib on one side so they sleep at a small incline. I spent a lot of time holding my young son in an upright position while he slept.
  4. Essential oils- There are a several essential oils that are helpful for supporting the respiratory system. I diffused a respiratory blend of oils in their bedroom every night and rubbed this foot rub on their feet. The foot rub uses rosemary oil and tea tree oil. It definitely helped support their little bodies. By day two or three my three-year old was asking me for oils on his feet. 2/5/14 UPDATE: Since writing this post I have since learned that rosemary is not always safe to use on little kids. Instead fir, spruce, or pine would be better alternative oils to use. The same goes for the respiratory blend I mentioned, instead diffuse tea tree oil, fir, spruce or pine oils.
  5. Herbal salve – I also rubbed this herbal salve on their chest whenever they started coughing. Usually only 5 or 10 minutes after applying it, they were breathing easier. The oregano herb in it is great for soothing coughing fits.
  6. Homeopathy – This is something I’m just starting to learn about. When a friend from church found out our boys had croup, she very generously let us use some of her homeopathic remedies. There are three remedies, in particular, that are useful for the different stages of croup. Aconitum, Spongia Tosta, and Hepar Sulph (affiliate links). You can read more about them here, here, or here. There are some sources who say that you shouldn’t use essential oils and homeopathy together because some oils can cancel out the effects of the homeopathic remedy. Other sources say that it’s OK though. I spread them out so they were given thirty minutes to an hour apart and it seemed to work just fine.
  7. Honey – When the coughing fits get really bad, often a small spoonful of honey can stop it. Some people also like to add honey to warm herbal tea for their kids. It’s recommended not to give honey to babies under one year old, but this is a good option for older kids.

Have you dealt with croup in your household? What is your go-to remedy?

(Please remember I am a mom not a doctor. The information and/or comments on this blog are not to be used as diagnosis or treatment. If you have a medical concern, please consult your doctor.)

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Original article and pictures take simplelifeabundantlife.com site

четверг, 22 января 2015 г.

Natural Thrush Treatment for Mom and Baby

Natural Thrush Treatment for Mom and Baby

I remember it like it was just yesterday. We had finally gotten the hang of breastfeeding. He was off the nipple shield, his latch was set, the pain had stopped. I felt like a champ. I wanted to hold signs wherever I went pointing it out: look at this, look what I’m doing with my body.

Then came the thrush.

Natural Thrush Treatment for Mom and Baby

It just started out as general itching for me. I thought nothing of it, nothing at all. Then it turned to searing pain, the kind of itching pain you feel when you’ve scratched a bug bite for too long—except much, much worse.

Misconceptions About Treating Thrush

Through the mom’s group I was a part of I knew that thrush existed, but I assumed it was for dirty people, people who don’t wash bras and only shower once a month. Boy was I wrong.

In my first-time mom panic, I called the my OB. She asked me to check the baby’s mouth, and sure enough it was dotted with white patches—and not just the milky ones from a good feed—genuine stay-put patches. The nurse offered to call me in a prescription of nystatin, to which I gladly agreed, knowing that if I felt like this, my baby probably felt much worse.

For my pain, she told me to pick up some jock cream. Say what? That should have been the first sign that I should have gone down a different path, but I went with it, trusting the nurse over my gut.

Following the nurses instructions, I painted Anthony’s mouth before and after every feeding, dousing my nipples with jock cream after he nursed and scrubbing them raw to get it off so that I wouldn’t poison my first born. After two days there was no change, so I started to do some research.

Natural Thrush Treatment that Works Fast

Thrush is essentially a yeast infection in the mucus membranes, which can affect multiple parts of the body. For us it manifested in white patches in his mouth, a shiny red rash, and itchy, painful nipples. Looking on the back of my nystatin bottle, I recognized one of the key ingredients as sugar. Yeast thrives off sugar. No wonder we hadn’t kicked the thrush yet.

I continued to read and research, looking for natural ways to treat it. I’d heard about genetian violet, but there were a few mixed reviews and links to cancer that left me unnerved. Plus, I didn’t want everything in my life to be purple.

I found a few articles on success with grapefruit seed extract, and paired with anecdotal success from a few women in my mom’s group I decided to try it. It was, after all, just an extract straight from grapefruit. If it failed, there was no harm done.

Oh. My. Goodness. Just ten drops of GSE in an ounce of water. That’s all it took. I soaked Q-tips in the solution and painted his mouth before feedings, and my nipples after. Within two hours the pain had subsided. Within one day, the thrush was completely gone. I kept up the routine for a day or two after the thrush had cleared, just in case, but it was gone, and it hasn’t been back since.

Ultimately, breastfeeding is hard. There are a lot of challenges you can face. Thrush shouldn’t be something that makes or breaks that relationship, that destroys the joy of bonding, the pride in knowing that you are sustaining a life with your body, the love you will undoubtedly share with your child. Trust your gut, do your research, and you will undoubtedly find solutions for you and your family that will be the best for all parties involved.

Breastfeeding & Beyond author: Megan Eccles
Megan Eccles e 1357588648454

When Megan Eccles isn’t blogging at Megan Eccles, she can be found on a ranch in the foothills of Southern California, trying to keep up with the many ups and downs of life. Between striving towards self sufficiency, learning how to be a mother, and writing, and writing, and writing, she can be found on the left most corner of her couch with a cup of tea and a good book. Follow her on Facebook and Twitter!

Original article and pictures take www.intoxicatedonlife.com site

понедельник, 19 января 2015 г.

Natural Teething Remedies That Work (Really)

Natural Teething Remedies That Work (Really)
Natural Teething Remedies That Work

Now that the FDA’s effectively put the kibosh on teething tablets (here’s what you need to know), many parents are scrambling to figure out: what are the natural teething remedies that work?!

I understand.

Many parents will give up and simply turn to using Motrin or Tylenol. But seriously, don’t do that! Both of those drugs are dangerous. They come with the risk of liver failure. They deplete glutathione. They can harm your baby’s gut health. I would never use those drugs. Honestly, I haven’t used them since my oldest was a baby (she’s 8.5 years old now) when I didn’t know better. I don’t even keep them in my home anymore, and haven’t for several years.

I know, that’s not a very moderate view. But it’s the straight-up truth. OTC pain relievers are almost never necessary and they’re dangerous. Don’t use them for teething.

Natural Teething Remedies That Work (Really)

Rather than using OTC drugs, or hoping you can stock up on a lifetime supply of teething tablets before they’re gone, why not explore some other natural remedies?

We’ve actually found options that were more effective for us than teething tablets. We’ve been through five teething babies, the youngest of which is just waiting on his canines and two-year molars at this point…and we’ve never needed more than natural remedies.

In fact, our youngest was once so miserable from teething that he was a biting, drooling, clingy, screaming mess…and then we gave him our top remedy, and within ten minutes, he was smiling and playing again. That’s how powerful, effective, and safe natural remedies are!

Luckily, they’re easy, too.

teething tincture graphic

#1) Teething Tincture

This teething tincture is our go-to remedy for teething. It’s super easy to make (watch me make it below), it takes only a few minutes. It contains cloves (known to help oral pain) and catnip (known to soothe fussiness and promote restful sleep) in a glycerin base (alcohol-free and kid-safe).

We give usually 1/2 – 1 dropper to our teething babies as needed. It is seriously my favorite, and I have given out tiny 1/2 oz. jars to my friends to use for their babies. Many people have told me how well it works for them. I keep my own 1/2 oz. jar in my diaper bag so I always have it when I need it.

If this sounds awesome to you, but you’re not sure about sourcing all the ingredients in it, just grab one of our teething tincture kits. It’s available for a limited time only. It’s just $9.99 to make 4 oz. of tincture, which is most likely all you’ll need for one baby, unless yours is a miserable teether. It’ll still last several months. That’s cheaper than teething tablets and most other remedies!

Get the kit here.

See how to make the tincture:

#2) Amber Necklaces

A lot of people swear by these — Baltic amber necklaces. Amber supposedly contains succinic acid, a mild pain reliever. When worn against the skin, the amber warms slightly, and the acid is absorbed into the skin, relieving pain.

They do need to be real Baltic amber, or they won’t work. Fake amber doesn’t do the job!

Here’s where you can get one.

These two herbs are also beneficial for teething pain.

You can mix up a 10 ml roller bottle (like this one) with 6 drops of lavender essential oil, or 3 drops each of lavender and chamomile essential oils. (This is 0.5% dilution.) Rub this on the outside of the baby’s jaw to help relieve teething pain.

For an older baby, you could also make chamomile tea and offer it in a cup.

#4) Frozen Items

Many babies enjoy chewing on frozen items. These are good choices:

  • Apple or pear slices (they contain an enzyme that’s a mild pain reliever)
  • Damp wash cloths
  • Breastmilk ice cubes (in a mesh feeder for ease of use)

Feel free to use other frozen items, like teethers or other fruits if you like. Fresh apple slices can be used, as well.

#5) Teething Cream

This teething cream is another simple recipe you can use. I recommend steeping the oils with 1 tbsp. whole cloves rather than using the essential oil, especially for young babies.

The cloves help to relieve the pain, and the oils help it stick to the gums. Many moms have used this with great success!

With these remedies, you should be able to sail through most teething without issue. If you have a toddler who’s still struggling, you can try offering anti-inflammatory syrup. It’s based on honey, so you may not want to give it to the younger ones, but maybe you do — after all, honey may not really be bad for babies.

I hope you have peaceful nights with your little one, with no teething pain!

(Don’t forget to get the teething tincture kit if you’re interested in trying it. The offer ends on 10/24.)

What natural teething remedies that work are best for your family?

Vaccine guide ck

Original article and pictures take modernalternativehealth.com site

Natural Remedy to Heal an Ear Ache in 30 Minutes or Less

Natural Remedy to Heal an Ear Ache in 30 Minutes or Less
Natural Home Remedy to Relieve Earaches in 30 Minutes or Less (Garlic Mullein ear oil). Heal an earache in 30 minutes or less with this home remedy, perfectly natural, safe for kids or adults.
Grant your family fast relief from ear aches with three simple ingredients!

This is a guest post from Sarah of Early Bird Mom, sharing her ear ache remedy.

My toddler woke up screaming last night just after 10pm, which was very unusual for him.

At first I thought his brother in the bed next to him had just made a noise and woken him up. But when William awoke again at 12, 4am and 5am for good, it was clear that he was sick. Poor baby his nose was running like a faucet and he was super-clingy. My plans for an early morning quiet time were scrapped.

A dose of Ibuprofen helped a bit but when he wouldn’t stop screaming later in the morning, I worried about ear infection. My oldest son used to get frequent ear infections and he ended up with ear tubes to help clear things up. Since switching to a more real food diet, my kids are sick much less, but it looked like this time, we had not escaped.

I hoped to avoid having to take my little one to the doctor who would surely prescribe antibiotics, so I quickly whipped up a batch of garlic mullein ear ache oil. (Yes, I’m weird in that I actually have mullein on hand). I had used this oil last year as a quick cure for ear pain in my 8 year old. The garlic in the oil is anti-bacterial and the mullein treats the inflammation and swelling. One of my favorite things about this oil is that it stops the pain so fast in just a few minutes, as opposed to waiting 24 hours for antibiotics to take effect.

It took just a few minutes to assemble the recipe and I let it simmer for a half an hour before taking a couple drops for William’s ears. He didn’t like the feeling of having the drops trickle into his ears but it seemed to help pretty quickly. I gave him a couple more doses of the drops during the day. His night was much better than the night before and he hasn’t been fussy at all today.

He still has a runny nose but his ear pain is gone I’m so grateful for this easy treatment.

You can buy garlic mullein drops but they can be pricey. It’s so easy to put together a batch at home.

Natural Home Remedy to Relieve Earaches in 30 Minutes or Less (Garlic Mullein ear oil). Heal an earache in 30 minutes or less with this home remedy, perfectly natural, safe for kids or adults.
Grant your family fast relief from ear aches with three simple ingredients!

Recipe: Garlic Mullein Ear Drops, for Ear Ache Relief


  • 3-4 cloves raw garlic, crushed
  • 1/4-1/2 c. dried mullein (I got mine from Mountain Rose Herbs (Link Removed))
  • cover with olive oil


Combine all ingredients in a small sauce pan and simmer on very low for at least 30 minutes, up to several hours. Be careful not to let the herb burn. Strain and decant into a dropper bottle.

To use: Warm the bottle by putting it into a cup of hot water for a couple minutes (optional). Put a couple drops into affected ear as needed for pain. Warning: do not use in an ear that is draining or if you suspect a perforated eardrum.

Natural Home Remedy to Relieve Earaches in 30 Minutes or Less (Garlic Mullein ear oil). Heal an earache in 30 minutes or less with this home remedy, perfectly natural, safe for kids or adults.
Natural Home Remedy to Relieve Earaches in 30 Minutes or Less (Garlic Mullein ear oil). Heal an earache in 30 minutes or less with this home remedy, perfectly natural, safe for kids or adults.

A small bottle will go a long way so you may find that you have way more oil than you need. In that case, you can do what I did and give some away to friends. They will surely be happy to have them for those middle-of-the-night ear aches.

Thanks, Sarah, for sharing your wisdom! I’ve never made this ear oil exactly, but I shared another ear infection story including garlic oil and a new one on antibiotics and natural remedies

It’s Natural Health Month at KS! See all the month’s posts HERE.

Other Natural Health Posts at KS

Natural Home Remedy to Relieve Earaches in 30 Minutes or Less (Garlic Mullein ear oil). Heal an earache in 30 minutes or less with this home remedy, perfectly natural, safe for kids or adults.
Grant your family fast relief from ear aches with three simple ingredients!

Disclosure: There are affiliate links in this post to Amazon and Mountain Rose Herbs from which I will earn some commission if you make a purchase. See my full disclosure statement here.

Original article and pictures take www.kitchenstewardship.com site

среда, 14 января 2015 г.

Natural Remedies to Heal Ear Infections

Natural Remedies to Heal Ear Infections
Natural Remedies to Heal Ear Infections | myhumblekitchen.com

My children have had a few ear infections throughout the years. I’m usually able to ward the pain off quickly. A warm compress, some garlic mullein oil, and an ear massage usually do the trick. Within one to two hours my children are usually up and playing. I then make sure to ramp up their immunity with good foods and supplements to fight the infection.

I write usually because this season has been different. My two older boys haven’t had an ear infection in quite some time. My Little Mama, on the other hand, had her first ear infection this past November. Her infection was similar to what I’ve experienced in the past with my older boys. Within a half hour, she felt fine and quickly fought the infection. Just a couple weeks ago, however, she again fell ill with a standard cold but this time the built up congestion led to a double ear infection. I tried all my home remedies that usually work, but this time the pain wouldn’t subside.

Mama’s, ear infections can be a bit frightening and downright stressful when we have a little one screaming from debilitating ear pain; all the while, we’re running around like a mad woman trying anything and everything to soothe their pain. With swirling thoughts of ear ruptures and hearing loss, it’s no wonder ear infections are the most common reason parents bring their child to see a doctor.

Natural Remedies to Heal Ear Infections

Normally, when I’m able to get the pain of an ear infection to subside, I keep the child at home. This time, with such persistent pain, I took my daughter to the doctor’s office so they could take a good look at her ear and tell me what type of infection she had. I wanted to make sure it was a middle ear infection and that there were no ruptures in the eardrum.

Middle Ear Infections

Natural Remedies to Heal Ear Infections

Inflammation in the middle ear is known as acute otitis media (AOM). Kids between the ages of 2 to 4 are more susceptible to AOM especially when they get an upper respiratory infection. One of the reasons is that their eustachian tubes, which connects the ear to the nose canal, are shorter and more horizontal than those of adults and therefore, unable to drain the ear well. When a child falls ill with a common cold, their eustachian tube can become inflamed trapping fluid and nasal congestion within the middle ear, settling behind the eardrum. This is usually where the bacterial or viral infection occurs and causes pain as the pressure of the built up fluid pushes against the eardrum.

Once I visited the doctor, I was told that it was a middle ear infection without any ruptures. I was then sent home with a prescription for ibuprofen every six hours for two days (or until the pain stops) and a round of antibiotics for 10 days.

Now Mama’s, this is where we praise the Lord that we were able to get a good diagnosis from a trained professional. We now have the opportunity to take the information they’ve shared with us and compare it to some of the facts we know about ear infections to decide if we should treat the infection at home or fill the prescription.

Let’s dig into the facts!

Facts about Middle Ear Infections

  • Antibiotics are over prescribed for ear infections. In fact, ear infections are usually caused by viruses so antibiotics will not help at all.
  • Using antibiotics for an ear infection can lead to more ear infections (read here) starting a vicious cycle, often, leading to ear tube surgery.
  • Ear infections can be misdiagnosed (read here).
  • Approximately 80% of kids with acute otitis media get better without antibiotics in 2-7 days! The latest guidelines from the Academy of Medicine are now being encouraged to not over prescribe antibiotics for ear infections. Instead, they are recommending the wait-and-see approach.

The Wait and See Approach

Mama’s, I understand, it can still be difficult making the decision to treat your child from home. When I start to worry and wonder if I can trust myself to treat my child at home, I like to turn to my online functional medical doctor, Aviva Romm. She has the sweetest way of comforting a weary mama right from a computer screen. You can check out her articles on ear infections here and here and be reminded that our bodies have an amazing ability to heal.

If you hop on over to Aviva’s website, you’ll see her recommendations for when to visit a doctor, when antibiotics are needed, and when a wait and see approach is best.

My daughter fell into the wait and see approach. I felt comfortable to treat her at home and see if we could get her earache to subside and her fever to break within 48-72 hours.

Natural Remedies to Heal Ear Infections

Natural Remedies to Heal Ear Infections


These are my personal go-to remedies to soothe ear pain and heal ear infections naturally. With my daughter, right away, I started the following treatments.

Garlic Mullein Oil

My go to remedy to soothe ear pain and to start fighting the infection within is using a few drops of warmed garlic mullein oil (like this one), in each ear. To warm it up, I fill a cup with hot water and place the small bottle of oil in the cup. After a few minutes, it should be warm enough, not hot, to place in the ear canal and soothe the pain. I keep it in each ear for 7 minutes. For the first day or so, I use it about every two hours. As the pain subsides, I continue this treatment 3 times a day for about 3-6 days.

If you don’t have a store-bought bottle of garlic mullein, you can make your own garlic oil at home. The garlic is the main ingredient addressing the infection as it’s a natural antimicrobial. Simply press or chop 1-2 cloves of garlic into a heavy bottomed saucepan. Add 1/4 cup of olive oil and mix together. Allow the garlic and oil to infuse for about 10 minutes and then gently heat the oil, making sure to not cook or brown the garlic. It just takes a few minutes. Once it’s warmed and smells of garlic, it’s ready to go. Strain the oil using a piece of cheesecloth, a coffee filter, or napkin. Make sure the oil cools down and that it’s warm, not hot, and use as explained above.

Warm Compress

When any of my children start to complain of an earache, after soothing the ear with garlic mullein oil, I reach for a warm compress. I have honestly saved a microwave oven in my basement specifically for this reason. It can be as simple as a sock filled with rice heated in a microwave oven or a damp washcloth heated. I place it right over their ear onto the side of their neck. The warmth and moisture from the compress can help with the drainage alleviating the pain. I’ll continue with the warm compress until the pain subsides.

Garlic Salve with Massage

To help soothe the pain and help fight the infection, I use a homemade garlic salve that I always have on hand. This will get a post all of its own because I use it often, for many ailments.

Again, in the garlic salve, it’s the garlic that’s doing most of the work. For ear infections, I rub it behind my children’s ear, all the way down their jawline, and into their neck. I then pull on the bottom of their ear, down to their earlobes, in a circular motion, always pulling down. I then rub behind the ear and down the neck. By doing this, I’m trying to increase the blood circulation and help in drainage. I also rub some of the garlic salve onto the bottom of their feet and then cover with socks as it works by absorption through the skin as well.

Here’s a simple recipe I learned from Be Your Own Doctor, a book every Mama should own!

Garlic Salve - the Antibiotic Salve
Garlic Salve - the Antibiotic Salve

Garlic salve is a potent antibacterial and antiviral. It works by direct application and absorption through the skin. Every mother should have this on hand!



  1. Refrigerate to harden.
  2. Store in refrigerator.



No, this one is not a natural remedy but I wanted to keep it real. Tylenol helped us get through this time. I’m not keen on using a lot of Tylenol in my home and we do not use ibuprofen, however, with my daughter, her ear pain came back in the middle of the night. She was exhausted from a full day of round-the-clock treatments. She needed rest. After all, rest is necessary for the body to heal and for our immunity to stay strong. I gave her a dose of Tylenol and it helped soothe her pain which allowed her to get a good 5 hours of undisturbed sleep.

One reason I’m not keen on using Tylenol is that I didn’t want it to lower her fever as I know it’s necessary to fight her infection from within. I had to make that decision though and being that she had a low fever, I decided to use it so so that she could get some much-needed rest.

Elderberry Syrup

Once I’ve soothed the pain and applied my natural remedies to fight the infection, it’s time to ramp up their immune system to really knock the bad guys out of the park!

One of my go to’s during this season to ramp up their immunity is elderberry syrup. I have a recipe here for how to make it using freshly picked elderberries; however, you may find it easier to buy it already made here. Over the past few years, I’ve been using this recipe to make it with dried elderberries and I love Aviva Romm’s recipe that includes echinacea.

Supplements and Nourishing Food

Natural Remedies to Heal Ear Infections

One of the best ways to make sure your children can fight the infection quickly is to make sure they’re taking a good multi-vitamin and eating good nourishing foods. My children take this multivitamin and fish oil daily. As soon as I see signs of sniffles, I cut out all sugar and dairy, and then I fill them up on nourishing broth, eggs, toast, and unsweetened applesauce.

They love this simple recipe for a nourishing broth soup we call, estrellita sopita.

I also like to make sure they’re getting some good probiotics into their gut so I’ll make sure they’re eating fermented vegetables like this saurkraut or pickles and I’ll also treat them to some kombucha tea.

Of course, you can purchase saurkraut, pickles, and kombucha already made.

Oh No! My Child’s Eardrum Ruptured!

This just happened to me for the first time. My daughter’s ears were coming along quite nicely. On the third morning of our third day of treatment, I noticed some drainage from my daughter’s ear. It was blood. I knew right away that I needed to stop with the garlic mullein oil. I did continue with the garlic salve around her ear and neck and supplements as written about above.

The first thing I did was text three of my good friends. Call your girlfriends, mama’s! They can be the encouragement you need! I always have my besties, Bethany, Mare, and Tara on speed dial. They shared with me that an eardrum rupture is not uncommon and is a way for the body to lessen the pressure. I calmed down because, yes, I was starting to worry. I was then informed that eardrums heal nicely and quickly on their own. At this point, my daughter’s ear pain was gone and her fever had broken. Her fever never reached over 101F so I wasn’t too worried. I did, however, decide that I wanted to start her on chiropractic care.

Chiropractor Care for Ear Infections

Chiropractic care for ear infections

I decided on chiropractic care for two reasons. Now that her eardrum ruptured, I wanted a professional to look at her eardrum and let me know how it looked. Secondly, this was her second time to have an ear infection this cold and flu season. I’ve read many great things about chiropractic care and how regular adjustments can ward off ear infections. I do not want to battle another infection.

According to Dr. Haggerton, “The lymph nodes need properly functioning muscles to contract with your baby’s head movements in order to flush out lymph fluid and congestion that pools in the area. If the bones in the top of your baby’s neck become restricted (due to birth, or any other type of physical stressor), the muscles around that area cannot contract and work correctly. If the muscles don’t contract perfectly, then the body has a hard time flushing out the fluid in the ear canals. Adjustments also boost the immune system and help the body to function optimally. Read more research on chiropractic and ear infections here.” (source)

My Little Mama has been going in for regular adjustments and is doing well. Her rupture is healing nicely and she is just smitten with Doctor Jessica pulling on her ears and turning her power on!

Be Encouraged

One thing to remember, Mama, is that every child is affected by natural treatments differently. What works for one child, may not work for another. Also, natural treatments can take longer to take effect. So try different remedies and remember that you have time.Symptoms should subside within 48-72 hours.

One thing that always encourages me is to remember that just because we are not giving our children allopathic medicine does not mean we are not treating our children. As you can tell from above, we most certainly are but are using natural methods instead. Just be aware, your household will smell of garlic for a good week or so

What are some natural remedies for ear infections that you use in your home? Share what’s worked best for you and your family in the comments below.

This post contains affiliate links. This doesn’t effect your price but helps in sustaining My Humble Kitchen. Thank you!

Original article and pictures take www.myhumblekitchen.com site

понедельник, 12 января 2015 г.

Natural Remedies For Strep Throat

Natural Remedies For Strep Throat

By Jill, Contributing Writer

Strep throat plagued me as a child; I had it so often that the doctor began the talk about taking my tonsils out. I took antibiotic after antibiotic to kill this bacteria.

Unfortunately we did not know at the time what the dangers were of taking antibiotics repeatedly, nor did we know there was anything natural that could work. Circumstances would have it that we moved shortly after to an area that did not have so many cases of strep floating around, so my tonsils are still intact! ��

I have had a few people speak to me of the dangers of having strep throat and treating it at home. While I don’t take any sickness lightly, I do believe that strep can be healed naturally and effectively with healing herbs. I have seen this happen time and again. Antibiotics can shorten the course of strep, BUT they also great increase the likelihood that strep will come back all winter long (which is probably why I had strep all winter for more than one year as a child).

Antibiotics kill the strep, but they also work against our natural antibodies. Using nourishing herbs to fight a sickness causes our bodies to create its own antibodies, which will help us fight the sickness the rest of the year without compromising our health.

Dr. Christopher Strep Blend

Dr. Christopher Strep Blend is very effective. This remedy has worked wonderfully for more than one person that I’ve recommended it to.


Throat and Tonsil Tincture

Mix 2 droppers of this tincture with 4 droppers of water. Gargle and swallow every hour. For a smaller child, mix 1 dropper of tincture with 3 droppers of water and administer hourly.

Have you successfully treated strep throat at home? What remedy did you use?

Original article and pictures take www.modernalternativehealth.com site