Wait, what? Isn’t cod liver oil something our great-grandparents had to take when they were children? Isn’t it just the punchline of jokes in this day and age? If you take cod liver oil aren’t you, well, going back in time?
Well, not exactly. It turns out that cod liver oil is still in use today, and for good reason: it functions as a supremely powerful food supplement with high levels of heart-healthy Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, and vitamin D.
Who knew?!
I thought I’d explore a bit further to really understand how and why we should be incorporating cod liver oil as part of our daily regimen.
As its name implies, cod liver oil is derived from the actual liver of cod fish. Its earliest use can be traced back to the Viking era (around 700 – 100 AD), when it was an important part of the Norse diet during the cold winter months—prime fishing season—as they were able to have access to plenty of fresh, high-quality fish. Cod liver oil was considered highly valuable for its healing characteristics, as well as for giving increased strength and energy.
Not only was the oil consumed, but it was also rubbed on sore joints and muscles to provide some relief. It was claimed to cure gout and rickets, among other illnesses. By the time the mid 1700s rolled around, it was also used in lamp oil, soap, paint, and leather tanning.
Cod liver oil consumption reached its height in the first half of the 20th century all over the world. Around this same time, a study conducted at the University of Wisconsin revealed that fat-soluble vitamins A and D were two essential nutrients present in cod liver oil, and primarily contributed to its multi-faceted efficacy.
Though the widespread use of cod liver oil declined after the 1960s, not everyone gave up on its important use. In fact, many doctors still recommend it as a general supplement for both adults and children.
Reasons for supplementing with cod liver oil today include:
It is high in the essential Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which in addition to their anti-inflammatory properties are important for brain and nervous system function.
It is an outstanding source for vitamins A and D. Vitamin A promotes a healthy immune system and strong vision; vitamin D is critical for proper absorption of calcium and also boosts the immune system.
The combination of the vitamins and fatty acids have also shown benefits such as lowering high cholesterol and high triglycerides, lowering blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease, preventing diabetes, treating depression, healing skin lesions, alleviating allergies and asthma, alleviating arthritis, and preventing osteoporosis.
The Weston A. Price Foundation (nonprofit, tax-exempt, nutrition education foundation) suggests the following dosage:
Children age 3 months to 12 years: A dose of cod liver oil that provides about 5000 IU vitamin A daily, obtained from about 1 teaspoon of regular cod liver oil or ½ teaspoon of high-vitamin cod liver oil.
Children over 12 years and adults: A maintenance dose of cod liver oil that provides about 10,000 IU vitamin A daily, obtained from 2 teaspoons of regular cod liver oil or 1 teaspoon of high-vitamin cod liver oil.
Pregnant and nursing women: A dose of cod liver oil that provides about 20,000 IU vitamin A daily, obtained from 4 teaspoons regular cod liver oil or 2 teaspoons high-vitamin cod liver oil.
(Note: Pregnant women may wish to consult their health practitioner about taking cod liver oil during pregnancy.)
As with most supplements, all cod liver oil is not created equal. Much depends on how the oil has been processed. The traditional method of fermenting the oil (lacto-fermentation) is preferred over high-temperature processing because the former retains more nutrients and preserves the ideal 5:1 vitamin A to D ratio. Green Pasture is one trusted source that uses the old-fashioned fermentation method.
You’ll want to be sure to avoid brands that have been highly processed, deodorized, or bleached; these have had so much of the good stuff leached out that synthetic vitamins have to be added back in.
So, if cod liver oil is such a great supplement, why did it ever lose its widespread popularity? And how did it become the punchline for jokes about having to do something distasteful?
Well, that’s just it: the distasteful part. It can taste pretty bad. So much so, that it’s standard practice for a lot of users to just hold their nose and swallow!
Here are some other tricks for making the “medicine go down” (no, not a spoonful of sugar):
Try adding the dose of cod liver oil to some orange juice or lemon water, or even a smoothie, and drink up.
Taste different flavored oils, like cinnamon, mint, lemon – different brands offer different flavors. You could also try an emulsified oil, like TwinLabs Emulsified Mint.
Swallow your oil, then chase it with something with a gulp of water and a bite of something with a strong flavor, like sharp cheddar or almond butter.
Capsules are another option, and tend not to have the flavor issues. (Though some people have had trouble with fishy burps — so, you’ll have to experiment.)
In general, cod liver oil is safe for most people, but because it can act as a blood thinner, people taking certain medications (high blood pressure, anticoagulants) should ask your physician before starting a regimen. And of course, if you experience any side effects, you should also consult your doctor.
Do you take cod liver oil? Do you notice a difference in your health when you take it? And how do you get it down?
Disclaimer: Although all Keeper of the Home contributors are passionate about nutrition, natural living, and alternative health issues, we are not certified nutritionists, medical doctors, or practitioners of any kind. We are not licensed to counsel anyone in medical matters, nor may we be held responsible for any course of action that you choose in regards to your own health or that of your family. Please remember that what we are sharing is the result of our own experiences and years of study, but may not necessarily be the right course of action for you. We are advocates of becoming informed, knowledgeable, and responsible for one’s own health, but our desire is not to be an authority on any matters of health for you, nor would we presume to have sufficient knowledge to do so. Our hope is that what we share may encourage you and start you on the road to doing your own research and seeking the opinions of professionals or others that you trust.
Disclosure: This post includes affiliate links. Thank you for supporting our work and mission!
Original article and pictures take keeperofthehome.org site
Why You Should REFUSE Fluoride Treatments For Your Child Refuse Fluoride Treatments
Yet another established medical/dental procedure that I have always declined for my family is the routine use of fluoride treatments in the dentist office.
Fluoride is a Poison And Does Not Belong In Water
Don’t let them get near you with this toxic substance!
Fluoride is xenobiotic – it is a poison – not a nutrient. According to Dr. Kennedy (a speaker at the Healthy Mouth Summit), fluoride is harmful to the microbes that live on teeth and it damages the way the body makes energy, teeth, bone and blood. It increases mineral content but lowers the tinsel strength of bone and gets into the marrow and lowers the blood cell count – wrecking havoc with blood cell production and the strength of the bones and teeth.
He’s not just saying that – a 2000 review of the literature by the British Government (University of York) found that there has not been a single properly conducted, high quality study to demonstrate that water fluoridation has benefits — in spite of over 50 years of water fluoridation.
CDC 2001 Review
In 2001 The Centers for Disease Control summarized the use of fluoride to guide health care professionals, health officials and policy makers in the use of fluoride. They cite many studies that prove the effectiveness of fluoride in preventing dental caries. However, they do not present the studies that show how toxic it is to the many systems in the body.
Published in Environmental Health Perspectives in 2012, Choi and colleagues conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of published studies to investigate the effects of increased fluoride exposure and delayed neurobehavioral development. This had never been addressed before.
They found that children in high-fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in low-fluoride areas. They concluded that,
The results support the possibility of an adverse effect of high fluoride exposure on children’s neurodevelopment. Future research should include detailed individual-level information on prenatal exposure, neurobehavioral performance, and covariates for adjustment.
According to Dr. Kennedy, there are studies that were not included in Choi’s review that also indicate a much greater impact of fluoride on neurodevelopment.
Fluoride is an Industrial Waste Product
Fluoride is a hazardous waste product of the aluminum industry and the phosphate fertilizer industry. These companies need a cheap way to get rid of this ground water pollutant. The old solution to pollution — is dilution – right into the drinking water. It is illegal to dump this waste into rivers and lakes or release the parent gases into the atmosphere. Does it make sense to purposely release it into our drinking water or put it in the mouth?
People living in the vicinity of aluminum, phosphate, steel, clay, glass and enamel manufacturing plants are exposed to high levels of fluoride in the air. Areas around these types of industries show extremely high lung cancer rates that decrease as you get away from the downwind plume of the steel mills.
Fluoride Warning Issues For Infants
In 1997 the Institute of Medicine set the level of fluoride for infants at .01 mg per day, as that is the amount found in breast milk. However, infants may get much more that that amount when they are formula feed and the formula is reconstituted with fluoridated water. They may get more than 0.7 mg a day — the tolerable upper intake as set by the IOM.
In 2006 the CDC and the American Dental Association finally admitted that infant formula mixed with fluoridated water increases the child’s risk for developing enamel fluorosis.
To find out the fluoridation status of your water click here, or call your local water authority and ask for your Water Quality Report. You will get a full report of many things in your municipal water.
Children Are Most At Risk For Fluoride Consumption
While may authorities support the use of fluoride in the water supply, the fact is that by adding it to the water and encouraging use of all kinds of fluoridated products such as tooth paste, mouth wash, fluoride treatments, etc. they are supporting the overuse of this toxic element.
Children don’t know how to spit and should not be given fluoride toothpaste because they swallow it! According to Dr. Kenendy, and FluorideAlert.org there is a lethal dose of fluoride in just 40% of a family sized tube of (flavored) toothpaste for a 40 pound child.
Non-organic foods because of pesticide residue (cryolite is sodium aluminum fluoride) – EPA has set the MRL (minimum risk levels) which are way above the levels that are toxic to people. For example, iceberg lettuce can now contain a whopping 180 parts per million (ppm) of fluoride — that’s 180 times higher than what’s recommended in drinking water! Romaine and leaf lettuce may contain 40 ppm. This pesticide is very sticky and difficult to wash off. Grapes are a huge source of cryolite as they are heavily sprayed as well as black and green tea and cereals. (source)
Other food sources – any commercial drinks such as soda, soft drinks, juices (especially with grape juice as a base), soups, mechanically deboned meats and chicken (chicken nuggets), beer and wine (unless they are imported from Europe or other areas that don’t fluoridate the water), coffee and tea (if made with fluoridated water), packaged and processed foods, cereal grains.
Is Fluoride Beneficial At All?
According to Dr. Kennedy – not at all. The body uses calcium to bind fluoride to become calcium fluoride. As the bones remodel they release the fluoride into your system – removing the rest through the urine which can damage the kidneys. The elderly and people who have damage to their kidneys and decreased kidney function are at risk.
Fluoride accumulates in the body. Healthy adult kidneys excrete 50 to 60% of the fluoride ingested each day. Any remaining fluoride accumulates in the body, typically in the bones and pineal gland.
This study by J. Luke in 1997 found that fluoride accumulated in the pineal gland of gerbils and was associated with a significant acceleration of pubertal development in the females. They felt that this was the result of low levels of melatonin, due to the inhibition of fluoride on the four enzymes needed to convert tryptophan into melatonin.
Babies and children excrete less fluoride from their kidneys and absorb up to 80% of ingested fluoride into their bones. The concentration of fluoride in the bones increases over a lifetime.
Dental Fluorosis – a True Risk
The definition of fluorosis is the first outwardly visible sign of an overdose of fluoride in children under 8 years old. In children you can see it in the teeth – in damage to the enamel where the teeth were developing. Because of overuse of fluoride there is no hard enamel and so the teeth will pick up stains from food eaten daily.
With fluorosis there can also be neurological impairment and lower IQ. Four out of ten children or 41% of children in the US show damage to their teeth. In 1998 it it was only 22%.
Fluoride can negatively affect the thyroid gland by displacing iodine. Ritalin and Proazc are fluoridated drugs to name just two.
European Countries Do Not Fluoridate Their Water
In the United States, 74% of the country fluoridates the water. European countries do not.
What Causes Tooth Decay
Eating sugar
Leaving scum on teeth
Bacteria — Streptocuccus Mutans
Some Studies show that topical fluoride lowers tooth decay. However, fluoride is not particularly lethal to Strep Mutans the bacteria that causes dental cavities.
Effects of fluoride are predominantly post eruptive and topical (CDC 2001). According to Dr. Kennedy, the prevalence of dental caries in a population is not inversely related to the concentration of fluoride in the enamel. A higher concentration of enamel fluoride is not necessarily more efficacious in preventing caries.
How To Avoid Fluoride
Move to Europe or the countryside and dig a well — well water is low in fluoride.
Choose organic foods that have lower pesticide exposure.
In your garden, water the roots not the plant and there will be less uptake of fluoride — there is highest uptake in the leaf.
Chamomile tea, black tea and green tea uptake fluoride but most fluoride is in instant tea.
Diets high in animal fats and proteins are protective against fluoride exposure.
To detoxify fluoride use the following supplements:
Calcium and Magnesium in a 2:1 ratios; Vitamin C; Selenium (200 – 400 mcg); Iodine — use Lugol’s or Iodoral — it is a nutrient form of 50/50 potassium iodine and iodide. Take it slowly because there can be a detox reaction as it knocks fluoride and bromine out and you will detox.
Fluoride Treatments
The American Dental Association and other health officials still insist that topical fluoride is beneficial to tooth enamel. Fluoride treatments are typically applied at each 6 month dental visit for youngsters.
According to Dr. Kennedy, Topical applications of fluoride will cause a dramatic increase in blood levels of fluoride even if it is not swallowed — it is always absorbed through the mucosa of the mouth.
According to Dr. Kennedy the dose of a fluoride treatment is 100mg/kg. The toxic dose of fluoride is 5mg/Kg. This is a toxic dose for a 40 pound child if ingested. The instructions are to NOT swallow the sweet sticky gel — but it will remain in the mouth and some will be absorbed.
As stated earlier, fluoride impairs brain function and decreases IQ. Too much fluoride causes fluorosis of the tooth enamel. Do you really want this for your child?
Be Your Own Advocate
As I have stated before many times, in any medical or dental situation, you have to be informed and be your own advocate. You have to be confident about your decisions.
I love my dentist (and I am very grateful for dentists in general), but sometimes some of the things he recommends are not on my list as safe, no matter who or what agency endorses them.
In spite of tremendous pressure from my child’s dentist (and assistant) I NEVER allowed my child to take fluoride supplements or have fluoride treatments. (Thankfully we do not have fluoridation here and prescriptions for fluoride were routinely given to babies and children). Now that I know even more about the toxicity of fluoride I am happy I made that decision.
As far as cavities go, as soon as we started a real food diet there have been no more cavities and thankfully the only cavities (3) he had were in baby teeth.
Today's article is shared with the permission of Dr. Mercola. So many people I meet are suffering from chronic constipation, yet they don't know what to do to remedy it. It's definitely not something you want to ignore. Dr. Mercola shares some great info in today's post that will hopefully help you live a bit more comfortably!
Before we dive in, I wanted to let you know about two amazing gut health summits that I highly recommend if people are interested in learning more about gut health, how to heal your gut, the role that gut health plays in our overall health, etc.
Sean Croxton's Digestion Sessions is an excellent resource. Sean continually puts together such amazing information in a high-quality, dynamic way. Such a vast amount of information all in an easy-to-use digital library. It is by far one of my favorite summits of all time. Learn more here.
The Heal Your Gut Summit was another favorite and featured some of my favorite speakers, as well as some new speakers that I have never heard of before. Another awesome digital library of both video and written content. Learn more here.
For most people, the topic of bowel movements is private and the actual mechanics of how stool is produced is rarely thought about. Unless, of course, you begin to experience constipation.
According to research presented at the American College of Gastroenterology Annual Meeting 2015, at least 15 percent of the general population experiences chronic constipation.
This is equal to approximately 63 million people in the United States. The study1demonstrated a statistically significant link between people who suffer from chronic constipation and from other health problems, including colorectal cancer and gastric cancer.
Researchers approached this study not expecting to find anything surprising. The link between diverticulitis and chronic constipation has been well documented.
However, the links found in this study between chronic constipation, gastric cancer, rectal cancer, and ischemic colitis were not expected.2
How Is Stool Formed?
Stool is the end result of digestion, which starts in your mouth. Imagine your body as a large solid cylinder, which has a tube running from the top to the bottom of the container.
The inside of the cylinder is inside your body and the tube that runs from top to bottom is actually outside the body. This is a description of your digestive system that runs from your mouth to your anus, but never opens directly to the inside of your body.
In other words, while your digestive system is technically “inside” your body, it contains digestive juices and bacteria that should only live outside your body. Your digestive tract plays a critical role in your overall health. Digestion starts in your mouth as you chew food and the food mixes with saliva.
Digestion ends in the large intestines, after your body has extracted nutrients and water, leaving only the waste products it can't use. The nutrients absorbed contain energy, which you know as calories.
How many calories you eat and, more importantly, the quality and source of those calories are important factors in determining your overall health and wellness.
Another factor that impacts your overall health, and the risk of developing constipation, is the amount and type of bacteria living in your gut.
These microbes are responsible for the breakdown of food, how the calories or energy are processed, and can increase or decrease your risk of allergies,3obesity, and more.
Researchers have also determined that while your gut responds to stress reactions from your brain, your brain also receives signals from your gut that can trigger feelings of sadness.4
In other words, your digestive tract or gut is fundamentally related to more than just constipation, diarrhea, and weight gain or loss. And, because of this interrelationship with the health of the rest of your body, it should not be surprising that your gut health will affect how you look, feel, and act.
Who Gets Constipated and Why?
Some of the common causes of constipation include laxative abuse,hypothyroidism, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and ignoring the urge to go. If you consistently ignore the urge to have a bowel movement – for instance, to avoid using a public toilet – eventually you may stop feeling the urge.
Certain medications, like antidepressants, antacids (like calcium), blood pressure medications, and iron supplements may also contribute to constipation, as can dehydration if you're not drinking enough pure water each day.
However, one of the primary causes of constipation has to do with your diet, particularly if you're eating one high in processed foods and low in fiber.
Within the approximate 15 percent of the population who suffers from chronic constipation, there are groups of individuals who are more likely to experience the condition. These groups include:
Women, especially during pregnancy or after giving birth. The weight of the developing baby normally sits on the intestines and can slow the motility or movement of the stool through the digestive tract. As the stool slows down more water is extracted by the body, making the stool hard, dry, and more difficult to pass.
Older adults are at a higher risk of developing constipation because of both a reduction in activity level and a reduction in movement in the digestive tract.
Individuals who live in a lower income bracket, due to less access to fresh produce.5
People who have just had surgery may not move around as well, may be nervous about pushing to have a bowel movement if they had abdominal surgery or may not be eating their normal diet.
Many Drugs Increase Your Risk of Constipation
The risk factor for constipation also increases when you take a large number of medications. A wide range of medications, both prescription and over the counter, appear to increase your risk of constipation. These can include Synthroid, ibuprofen, aspirin, antacids, iron supplements, and narcotics.6,7,8
Other medical conditions can also affect the ability of the intestinal tract to function normally.9,10
Conditions that cause blockage: Tumors, inflammation, or swelling from conditions such as diverticulitis or inflammatory bowel disease, and anal fissure
Conditions that affect the nerves: in the intestines Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, stroke, slow motility or movement through the intestines, autonomic neuropathy, and multiple sclerosis
Conditions involving the muscles used in elimination: Weakened pelvic muscles or pelvic muscles which do not coordinate relaxation and contraction (dyssynergia)
Conditions that affect your hormones: Hypothyroidism, diabetes, hyperparathyroidism, and pregnancy
Connections Between Constipation and Your Physical Health
Although the study presented at the American College of Gastroenterology Annual Meeting found links between chronic constipation and rectal cancer, gastric cancer, diverticulitis, and ischemic colitis, there are also other connections between suffering from constipation and your overall health.
For instance, chronic pushing and painful stools may predispose you to large hemorrhoids which are irritating and painful. Your colon was designed to hold a few pounds of stool, but when constipated your colon may hold up to 10 pounds of dry, hard feces.
Just the sheer volume of stool can stretch your colon, irritate the lining of the colon (mucosa), and produce toxins while waiting to be eliminated from the body. Chronic constipation can also lead to tearing of the anus, called an anal fissure.
These fissures are caused by trauma to the inner lining of the anus, often before a large, dry stool.11
Chronic constipation can also affect the genital and urinary health of women.
Because the colon and female reproductive organs are structurally close in the body, pressure from large amounts of stool in the colon can lead to rectal prolapse in the vagina,12 and increase the potential that the bladder will not empty completely or result in reflux of urine from the bladder back into the kidneys, called vesicoureteral reflux.13
This reflux causes permanent kidney damage and increases the risk of kidney infections.
Pushing large, hard stool from the rectum can result in some of your intestines protruding from the anus, called rectal prolapse. Chronic constipation is a recurring problem in 30 to 67 percent of patients who suffer from rectal prolapse.14 This requires surgery to repair.
When people decide to postpone the surgery they risk stretching the anal sphincter even further, and increasing the amount of intestines that protrude from the body.
Lifestyle Approaches to Treatment
If you're suffering from chronic constipation, there are changes you can make to your daily habits which can improve your bowel habits. Your first, and easiest, step is to ensure that you're drinking enough water. As the stool travels through your intestines your body removes water. If you are well hydrated, less water may be removed, leaving the stool softer and easier to pass. Drink enough that your urine is straw colored. If it's dark yellow then you're dehydrated and if it's colorless you are drinking too much.
The fiber in your stool will help to draw more water and keep the stool soft. This is why your doctor recommends increasing the amount of fiber in your diet to help relieve constipation. However, if you're eating a high-fiber diet but not staying hydrated the stool will still get hard and be more difficult to pass. The recommended amount of fiber in your diet is 20 to 30 grams per day; I believe that 32 grams each day is ideal.
Organic psyllium dietary fiber is important to the health of your colon. Psyllium also has other health benefits, including helping to control your blood sugar, reducing your risk of heart attack, stroke, gallstones, kidney stones, and diverticulitis, improving your skin health and helping you to lose or maintain your weight.
Vegetables are the best way to fortify your diet with fiber. If you can't reach the recommended amount of fiber per day then supplementing with organic whole husk psyllium is simple and cost effective.
Regular exercise can also help reduce constipation.15 The movement helps increase the motility in your digestive tract and can stimulate the urge to have a bowel movement. When you do feel the urge, don't wait. The longer the stool sits in your colon, the more water is removed and the more difficult it is to pass.
Reducing Your Risk of Constipation
There are several ways to reduce your risk of constipation. I strongly recommend eating traditionally fermented and cultured foods on a daily basis to help to “reseed” your body with good bacteria. It's easy to make them. For a demonstration, please see the video above. If you don't eat fermented foods, taking a high quality probiotic supplement is advisable.
The use of probiotics are so important to your overall health that some researchers are comparing them to a “newly recognized organ.” Research links the health and variety of the bacteria in your gut to your behavior, diabetes, gene expression, autism, and obesity.16 The bacteria in your gut plays an essential role in the digestion of your food, the motility of your intestines, and ultimately the development of constipation.
Another way to reduce your risk is to speak with your physician about the medications you're currently using. Explore options to reduce the amount of medications you may need or the brands you're currently using if they are linked to triggering constipation. Be particularly wary of using laxatives on a regular basis, as it may exacerbate constipation.
Remember, when you travel your daily regimen is often disrupted. The differences in food, changes to your regular exercise routine, or reduction in water intake can all negatively impact your body's ability to maintain a healthy bowel routine. Try to stay as close to your regular routine as possible. Bring organic whole husk psyllium to supplement your diet on the days you don't get enough fiber. Try to get your regular exercise each day and drink enough water to keep your urine a light straw color.
Squatting Can Help If You're Constipated
The last thing most people think about when using the bathroom is position, but this can significantly impact the ease with which you eliminate and even increase your risk of bowel and pelvic problems, including constipation, hemorrhoids, and more. Most of you reading this probably sit to evacuate your bowel, but this requires you to apply additional force (straining), which has some unwanted biological effects, including a temporary disruption in cardiac flow.
Sitting on a modern toilet is designed to place your knees at a 90-degree angle to your abdomen. However, the time-honored natural squat position (which is still used by the majority of the world's population) places your knees much closer to your torso, and this position actually changes the spatial relationships of your intestinal organs and musculature, optimizing the forces involved in defecation.
Squatting straightens your rectum, relaxes your puborectalis muscle, and allows for complete emptying of your cecum and appendix without straining, which prevents fecal stagnation and the accumulation of toxins in your intestinal tract. It is instructive that non-westernized societies, in which people squat, do not have the high prevalence of bowel disease seen in developed nations; in some cultures with traditional lifestyles, these diseases are uncommon or almost unknown.
If you have trouble with bowel movements, especially constipation, I urge you to give the squat position a try. Squatting does involve strength and flexibility that adults tend to lose over time (but children have naturally). Special toilets and stools that get your body into a more “squatty” position can help you get closer to the ideal even if you've been sitting for decades.
Medical Treatment Options
In some circumstances these lifestyle choices and preventative measures are not enough to alleviate constipation. Talk with your doctor about being tested for hypothyroidism. In hypothyroidism your body doesn't secrete enough of the thyroid hormone. This hormone has a significant impact on the motility and movement of the intestinal tract, which is why constipation is one of the hallmark symptoms of hypothyroidism.
While it might be tempting to use over-the-counter remedies and laxatives, these remedies are not without risk. When too much is taken, too much water is drawn into the intestines, resulting in dehydration and an abnormal number of electrolytes in your blood. Both dehydration and imbalanced electrolytes can lead to kidney and heart damage, which can lead to death.
Your body can also become dependent on the use of laxatives to have a normal bowel movement. This is especially true of laxatives that use stimulants to increase the motility of the intestines and digestive tract. Stimulant laxatives include medications like Exlax, or laxatives marked as “natural” and include senna or cassia laxatives.
An underlying cause of constipation can also be a magnesium deficiency. Although primarily thought of as the mineral that affects your bones, magnesium plays a role in smooth muscle relaxation and contraction, production of neurotransmitters, building blocks of DNA, and the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. The recommended daily amount of magnesium is 310 to 320 mg for women and 400 to 420 mg for men, although this amount may be just enough to prevent outright deficiency.
If your muscles that coordinate defecation are not working together, called dyssynergic defecation, then an anorectal biofeedback mechanism may be the most effective treatment to reteach your muscles to empty the rectum completely. In other cases of rectal prolapse or a rectocele caused by chronic constipation, surgery may be indicated to repair the area.17
Original article and pictures take www.deliciousobsessions.com site
They are safe and substantially the same as unaltered food.
Is that true? Are we willing to bet our family’s health on new technology that alters the very DNA of our food?
What are GMOs?
GMOs, or genetically modified organisms, also called genetically engineered (GE), are organisms which have been genetically altered in a laboratory. It’s important to note that this is different (horizontal gene transfer) than natural crossbreeding (vertical gene transfer), which happens by itself in nature. The DNA of one species is actually injected into another species.The altering of bacteria in GMOs cannot occur naturally, outside of a laboratory.
GMOs were created to live through harsh pesticide chemicals for which any plant would normally not survive. The DNA in the organism is altered with Bt toxin, a bacteria, so that it will not die when sprayed with harsh pesticides during farming. Then, to add injury to insult, harsh pesticides are sprayed on the plants multiple times during the growing process to kill any weeds around the plants.
Pesticides are constantly to poor health outcomes, including infertility , gastrointestinal damage, accelerated aging, and much more. This isn’t just hurting our bodies, pesticides can now be found in umbilical cords of newborns.Study after study is showing us what we can figure out on our own, GMOs are not safe.
But, “they are the same!” Um, nope. Those who says GMOs are the “same” as their natural counterparts are basing that off of studies (which were cut short –no longer than 90 days – because if they were not, you would have seen cancerous tumors growing on the test subjects) that show that the macronutrients in GM foods match the macronutrients in natural foods. Micronutrients are not addressed, and we know that the vitamins and minerals in our foods is what fuels our bodies.
GMOs have been banned or restricted in over 60 nations around the world. The United States is struggling to just label it. Over 80% of processed foods on the shelves in groceries across the U.S. contains GMO’s, and some pesticides used in the U.S. are outlawed in other countries.
Where are GMOs hiding?
Any crop sprayed with a pesticide is a concern, but you can guarantee a product sold with any corn (corn syrup), canola (also called rapeseed),or soy in a processed food is a GMO. Also, any wheat product that is not organic.
You can identify any product which has been verified as not containing GMOs by the label seen below. You will see the non-GMO project verified on any product that fits its labeling rules.
It’s important to note that foods grown organically cannot be labeled as such if they used GM seeds or were sprayed with chemical pesticides, so you know you are getting a GMO-free product when you buy organic.
Unfortunately, food is not your only GM enemy. Medications and vaccines also use genetically modified organisms, and these can be even more detrimental than the GM food.
Ethical Concerns Surround GMO Use
I cannot move on without touching on ethical concerns of altering the DNA of our food supply. If you are a Christian, there’s a clear sin in altering God’s creation, including seeds and the aborted fetal DNA in vaccines.
GM companies patent seeds, controlling the food supply. Though large, chemical companies may tout that GMOs feed the world, the reality is that most farmers in third world countries are denying to use this product because after one year, the seeds are no longer usable. This is by design, so that the farmer must purchase seeds from the chemical company every single year.
Passing seeds down from harvest to planting each year is something that has always been done to preserve our species. Now, doing so can wind even an American farmer in a law suit. In fact, U.S. farmers have been sued for just having some of the GM seeds blow into their fields from adjacent fields. GM farming also has been shown to have a negative health outcome on the farmers, themselves. This is one thing in our country, but when the seed is your entire livelihood, there can be devastating effects.
Buying organic and nonGMO can seem pricier, but there are a number of ways to reduce your food budget costs and still buy healthy food.
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium L.) is an important medicinal plant with different pharmaceutical uses.
It has been used for centuries to treat various diseases including malaria, hepatitis and jaundice, and is commonly prescribed to treat liver disorders. It is also used as an anti-inflammatory agent and is a hepatoprotective herb.(Hepatoprotection or antihepatotoxicity is the ability to prevent damage to the liver. This damage is known as hepatotoxicity.) Considered safe for supplemental use, it has antihepatotoxic effects also and has been prescribed as an astringent agent. It is also prescribed in hemorrhoids, headache, bleeding disorders, bruises, cough, influenza, pneumonia, kidney stones, high blood pressure, menstrual disorders, fever, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, osteoarthritis, hemorrhagic disorders, chicken pox, cystitis, diabetes mellitus, indigestion, dyspepsia, eczema, psoriasis and boils. So, it’s easy to see why you need to have this important herb in your natural “medicine” cabinet.
It is easy to grow in your backyard.
It can be found among grass, meadows, or pastures. To grow yourself, it just needs a place in partial to full sunlight and good drainage. It is spread by the roots, so it can easily overtake an area. To prevent it taking over your yard, but to have enough, try planting it in a plastic kiddie pool with holes drilled in the bottom for drainage. You can harvest the flowers when they are blooming, usually from June to September. To harvest, I simply cut the flower about 1 inch from the soil, with the leaves and all. Wash carefully and hang upside down to dry for 2-5 days. Once it’s completely dry, the uses for yarrow are nearly endless. I use it in a flu tea, a healing balm, and tincture form.
This is great when you are feeling under the weather, but you need to use it as soon as you recognize symptoms to get the most benefit. It can help settle an upset stomach and supports your immune system in speeding healing.
Mix herbs together and store in an airtight jar. Use 2 T. per quart of boiling water and steep for 10 minutes. Drain and sweeten as desired, preferably with raw honey. Drink hourly at onset of symptoms to help assist body in healing.
This is a summertime must in our family. After a long day of chores or other homestead projects, it’s just a fact that we get sore knees, or sore backs. Yarrow helps to soothe those achy joints.
Carefully melt tallow and add herbs. Place in 200° oven for 2 hours, then strain herbs out using a cheesecloth, squeezing to get all the goodness. Allow to cool completely and use externally on sore joints, bruises or hemorrhoids. You can also replace the tallow with lard if you choose, or 2.5 ounces coconut oil and .5 ounce beeswax melted together. I prefer the tallow because it’s cheap and since it’s a solid fat, it is easier to store in hotter summer months, when I seem to need it more often.
Easy to make, and with the alcohol, it has a very long shelf life. I use it more often externally than internally, due to it’s ease of overuse. You CAN use it internally, but only for short periods of time.
Pour vodka over flowers and allow to steep for 3-5 weeks. Strain herbs and compost. Soak a gauze pad in tincture and place directly on veins to help assist in shrinking. 3-5 drops of tincture can be used for indigestion, but only for SHORT periods of time. Overuse may put a strain on your liver, or may cause sensitivity to sunlight in some individuals. NOT for use by pregnant women. You can also make a safe liniment for varicose veins. Get the recipe from Nerdy Farm Wife here.
Do you use yarrow? What are your favorite uses for it? Be sure to pin this for later!
More and more people are hearing about the wonders of probiotics. I’ve talked about them before several times, and have mentioned that my family uses them daily (or as often as I can remember!).
But what about prebiotics? Many people don’t know what those are…or what they have to do with gut health. And actually, they’re really important too.
First, let’s just brush up on what probiotics are.
Probiotics are good bacteria — everyone has a lot of this bacteria in their guts (or they should). However, this bacteria is easily damaged by excess sugar and vegetable oils in the diet, antibiotic use, birth control use, GMOs, and more. In other words, our modern lifestyle is really hard on our gut flora.
While making changes to our diets and lifestyles can help (we’re at least not actively damaging our gut flora daily!), we’re still dealing with potentially years of already-existing damage. Plus, there are some types of damage that are kind of beyond our control — those few times we need medications, or when we eat less-than-optimal foods, or are exposed to pollution in the air or water. You know our water contains remnants of pharmaceutical drugs?
Anyway…we need probiotics. And, we need them daily. Some experts think that there’s no way to re-colonize the gut once damage has occurred, especially long-term damage, and that regular doses of probiotics will be needed indefinitely as they’ll go through your digestive system and be eliminated (after working their magic for a day or so). Others think there are some strains that have the potential to re-colonize, but it’s a long, slow process. Either way, we need probiotics right now!
What Are Prebiotics?
Prebiotics are food for the probiotics. They’re specific kinds of foods that help to feed the healthy gut flora — and not the pathogenic gut flora. This maximizes your benefit, because you’re helping those good bugs “stick.”
Prebiotics are a special type of non-digestible fiber. You know how you’re always being told to eat more fiber? It’s not for you, directly, because your body can’t use it. But it does feed those good bugs, and which helps your gut, which helps you!
Prebiotics include:
Chicory root
Under-ripe bananas
Some of these are foods you probably eat fairly often (onions, garlic, and bananas). But some are probably ones you don’t eat often…if at all.
So how do you get enough prebiotics?
Getting Prebiotics in Your Diet
First I need to warn you — if you’re dealing with severe gut damage or bacterial overgrowth, you should talk to your doctor or alternative health care professional first. You may not benefit from prebiotics (they could make things worse), and you may only be able to tolerate very specific strains of probiotics. It’s best, with chronic conditions, to seek advice from a professional so you know what to do for your specific situation. The following information doesn’t apply to you.
But! If you’re relatively healthy and looking for a little boost in your health and diet, then this is just what you need to know.
First, you can simply eat more of the foods listed above. It’s best that they’re raw, in most cases, to reap the benefit. Other than bananas, you probably don’t eat most of those foods raw, which limits their benefit. Including onions and crushed raw garlic in salads is a great idea, if you can stand it — I actually like it, but not everyone does.
Failing more prebiotic foods, there is the option to take a supplement. (Please note, if you are on a low FODMAP diet, or on AIP, you don’t want to do this.)
Family Flora is a probiotic company that has formulated their product with prebiotics included. Their Daily Balancesupplement includes Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus and Bifidobacterium Bifidum, along with the prebiotic organic inulin (made from the agave plant). It has 15 billion CFU.
Their supplement comes in an easy-to-use individual serving packet, which can be carried with you if needed and mixed into any kind of liquid. Several people recommend not using plain water for this (I won’t mix any probiotic into just water), but into juice or some other flavored drink is fine. Taking supplements is typically the only time that my family drinks juice!
Family Flora offers a few different varieties. They also have Junior Daily Balance, made just for kids. This version includes Lactobacillus Acidophilus (DDS1), Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium Bifidum, and Bacillus Coagulans (Produra) and Prebiotics. It has a total of 10 billion CFU.
All of the formulas are free of GMOs, artificial colors and flavors, and added sugars — making them safe for your whole family. One of my sons was super excited to get to try it!
This is a good way for families to get their probiotics — and their prebiotics! — into healthy diet and lifestyle. It’s easy and it’s a clean product.
Do you take prebiotics and/or probiotics?
Original article and pictures take modernalternativehealth.com site
Milk thistle, Silybum marianum, also known as “snake milk”, “milk ipecac”, or “emetic root”is grown in full sun, and thrives in moderately to poor soil that is neutral to alkaline.
It can be used to help encourage milk flow in breastfeeding mothers, but is probably best known for it’s ability to support the liver.
Milk thistle is actually kept on hand by European poison control centers due to it’s reputation in preventing death in mushroom poisoning cases.
It has the ability to help stimulate healing of damaged organs, and can prevent damage done by other drugs. Since it can help the liver remove toxins, as well as rejuvenate, it is beneficial for those who are alcohol drinkers. Studies support the best benefits are obtained with long term use.
While it has no known contradications in use, it can have a mild laxative effect.
The other effect it may have is that it can lower blood glucose levels, so those on glucose lowering medicines should only use this with direct supervision from a qualified health professional, so as to not lower blood glucose levels dangerously.
Growing your own milk thistle is fairly easy.
We simply sewed a few seeds where we wanted it and it spread like wildfire! It can also be foraged fo in hedges and waste areas in many parts of Europe and North America. The young leaves can be used as a spinach substitute and the young flower heads can be cooked eaten like you would an artichoke. We let our flower heads dry out, then cut them from the stems to collect the seeds from the dried heads.
It can be used as a tincture, infusion or in capsules.
To tincture, simply add 10 grams crushed seeds or powder to 50mL of alcohol and allow to steep for 3-4 weeks, shaking daily. Strain, then store in a cool, dry place. Take up to 30 drops of this tincture 3x a day in water. To use as an infusion, simply add 1 tsp fresh leaves to 1 cup of boiling water, steep for 5-10 minutes and drink 1-2 times a day.
The best way I have found is to take it in capsule form.
It makes it “go down” much easier, in my opinion. The usual dosage is 200-400 mg in capsule form. If you prefer, you can order your
Lavender, or Lavendula augustifolia, is one of my favorite herbs of all time.
It comes from the Latin word, meaning “to wash” and has enjoyed a reputation of being an important ingredient in bathing rituals in ancient Rome. Modern day uses include it being used in luxurious bath and body ingredients, or taking advantage of it’s comforting and soothing properties. It can be used for restlessness, insomnia, and tummy issues. Since there are no known contraindications, no known interactions and no known side effects, it is safe enough for anyone, including children.
Lavender can be used in both the herb and essential oil form.
The herb usually includes the fresh or dried flower and bud and the essential oil is very easy to find at an affordable price just about anywhere. The essential oil is one of very few oils that you can safely put on your skin “neat” or without a carrier with minimal risk of sensitization or burning the skin. It is steam distilled and has a very thin, clear appearance to it. The oil can also be used in a culinary applications, such as cookies, brownies or cakes. And, with over 30 types of lavender on the market, lavender oil not only blends well with many other oils, it’s also highly valued in perfumery.
Lavender has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties to it, making it a “must have” in your home first aid kit.
As a matter of fact, it was discovered to be a great help against burned skin when French cosmetic chemist, Rene-Maruice Gattefosse burned his arm. The pain caused him to put his arm in the nearest cool liquid, which happened to be a tub of lavender oil. The pain subsided quickly, and left no scarring. The rest of his life was spent exploring the medicinal benefits of this precious oil as well as others. It was he who first coined the phrase “aromatherapie” in 1928.
It is great for damaged or inflamed skin
and can help hydrate and protect mature skin, as well as helping skin retain moisture, making it great for homemade lotions, soaps and shampoos. It has a sweet, flowery flavor, making the dried herb a great addition to tea blends.
Here are some of my favorite recipes using lavender:
Hippy Tea Blend
1 part dried calendula
2 parts dried lavender
4 parts dried chamomile
3 parts dried lemon peel
1 part dried rosehips
Add the dried herb to a jar, shake gently to mix. o use, add 1-2T per quart of boiling water. Infuse for 10 minutes, covered. Strain the herbs and sweeten to taste. We love bringing this along when we go camping as well.
Growing your own lavender is fairly easy as well.
It just needs dirt, water, and full sun. I have found that one or two plants in a large container will provide plenty of flowering buds to dry for my family’s use over the winter. The plants spread out and will multiply rapidly.
What are some of your favorite uses for lavender? BE SURE TO PIN THIS TO YOUR FAVORITE BOARD FOR LATER!
Original article and pictures take thehomesteadinghippy.com site
Chamomile, or Matricaria recutita is a very familiar herb to many.
It is often found in tea blends, body lotions, or even soaps commercially. Also can be known as ground apples, garden chamomile, pin heads, chamomile consists of the fresh or dried flower heads. It is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, nervine, anti-spasmodic, liver and kidney detoxifier, anti-biotic (especially against gram positive bacteria), anti-histimine and has sedative qualities. It has no known interactions, but if you are allergic to ragweed, this is probably best not used, as there have been reports of anaphyltic shock. Actually, there are two types of chamomile, Roman or German. They are botanically unrelated, but both produce the same light blue essential oil. Most of the chamomile grown in North America is German.
Growing chamomile is fairly easy.
You can find seeds online and simply sow into fertile soil, preferrably on the slightly acidic side, in the early Spring for a Summer harvest. It does best in full sun. My personal experience is that they spread quickly, grow fast and are just beautiful when flowering. The best part is that our chickens do not seem to like the flowers, so they have not ever bothered the bed. You will harvest and dry the flowers in the Summer.
Chamomile can be used as a digestive aid, assist in healing ulcers, and for women’s health.
It was also used traditionally as relaxing tranquilizer by adding flowers to a warm soaking bath, to possibly assist in reducing arthric imflammation and for infection prevention by applying a cooled infusion to cuts in a compress form. All these amazing benefits from tiny little flowers! Here are some great uses for chamomile at home:
Chamomile Hand Scrub
This is great for dry, garden weary hands. It will help soften and soothe the skin.
Gently warm the glycerine in a double boiler, and add the arrowroot powder, stirring slowly to combine. Add the water and ground oats, stir to combine and store in an airtight lid. To use, add a bit and scrub all over hands and rinse. Good for up to 6 weeks.
Chamomile and Lavender Bath Salts
Carefully mix the dried herbs with the salt and use 1/4 cup for each soothing bath. Will help to relax and calm, especially before bedtime.
Nighttime Tea Blend
This is a family favorite. We all drink this at least 3 times a week, especially when we having busy weeks and need to unwind. Can be drunk hot or iced and it’s delicious either way. This is also safe during pregnancy for those times when you have an upset tummy.
Soothing Skin Salve
This is also gentle enough to use as a diaper rash cream, and is gentle enough to use on the face area as well. We like to have this for mild sunburns, skin abrasions and even as a lip balm.
Gently melt the coconut oil and add the dried herbs. The oil may not cover the flowers completely, and that’s okay. Place in a 200° oven for 2 hours and allow the herbs to infuse the oil. Strain and place in a double boiler. Melt the beeswax in the infused oil and stir completely. Pour into a leakproof container and cool completely before use. Use within 6 months.
Books I recommend
Other Great Reading
Original article and pictures take thehomesteadinghippy.com site