вторник, 7 ноября 2006 г.

110 Positive Natural Birth Stories

110 Positive Natural Birth Stories

When I was pregnant with my first child, I devoured natural childbirth stories almost as much as I scarfed down bowls of cable car chocolate topped with brownie bites at our local frozen yogurt shop.

110 Positive Natural Birth Stories! Let these 110 positive natural childbirth stories inspire you and warm your heart, including stories of home births, hospital births, VBAC, and multiples.

Every time I indulged in one of these heroic stories, I felt even more confident that our bodies really are made to birth our babies naturally, and that I too could do it.

Unfortunately, as you may have noticed, not everyone on the internet holds the experience of childbirth in such esteem, especially when it comes to doing it naturally.

The fear-mongering of horror stories about birth can be brutal and hard to avoid, and that is the last thing a pregnant mama who is preparing for natural childbirth needs to hear.

To encourage both myself and all the future mamas that would come after me, I began carefully curating a collection of positive natural childbirth stories and eventually published my Positive Natural Birth Stories book.

I wanted to take this one step further to connect even more women like me with the natural birth stories their hearts craved in the list below.

This list includes natural childbirth stories from around the web and some in print including:

  • natural home birth stories
  • natural hospital birth stories
  • natural VBAC birth stories
  • unassisted birth stories
  • and even natural birth stories of multiples!

So, whether you’re preparing for a natural childbirth yourself or you just love a heart-warming birth story, here are 110 Positive Natural Childbirth Stories. Happy reading!

110 Positive Natural Childbirth Stories

1. The Painless Natural Home Birth of BabyE by Shannon here at GrowingSlower

2. The natural hospital birth of her second baby by Justine at The Lone Home Ranger

3. Vaginal Hospital Birth of TRIPLETS at Birth Without Fear

4. Natural home birth story of baby #1 at GeorgeTown, MN

5. A surprise unassisted home birth by Lauren at Hobo Mama.

110 Positive Natural Birth Stories! Let these 110 positive natural childbirth stories inspire you and warm your heart, including stories of home births, hospital births, VBAC, and multiples.

Photo Source

6-47. Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin. (affiliate)

48. The chaotic home birth of her second child by Luschka at Diary of a First Child.

49. A surprise unassisted home birth by Cynthia at Hippie Housewife

50. A Birth Center birth story at Bloom Spokane

51-59. A natural birth videos from Luschka at Diary of a First Child

60. The Natural Home Birth Story of BabyL by Mrs. L here at GrowingSlower

110 Positive Natural Birth Stories! Let these 110 positive natural childbirth stories inspire you and warm your heart, including stories of home births, hospital births, VBAC, and multiples.

61. A Natural Breech Birth Story at Nola Nesting

62. The Painless Natural Home Birth Story of Baby E here at GrowingSlower

63. Birth Diary of Katelyn Noel unplanned unassisted at Natural Motherhood

64. Emery’s Birth Story at Busyland

65. A Nurse and Her Home Birth- A Birth Story at Mama Birth

66-97. Check out the 32 birth stories in my book Natural Birth Stories: The Real Mom’s Guide to an Empowering Natural Birth. Also Available on Amazon on Kindle and in Paperback.

98. A Natural Unmedicated Childbirth Story at Pistachio Project

99-108. Natural Birth Stories at A Birth Story blog

109. A Home Birth in pictures by Erin Loechner on Babble

110. A Home Birth with baby born in the caul (with pictures) on Birth Without Fear blog

Even more birth stories!

111. Everett’s Birth Story at Natural Momma in progress

112. The VBAC Birth of My Second Born Son at Simple Life Abundant Life

113. The Almost unassisted natural homebirth story of BabyA here at GrowingSlower

Have you had a natural childbirth? Do you hope to someday? Share your story in the comments!

Original article and pictures take growingslower.com site

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