понедельник, 29 ноября 2010 г.

Creating a Baby-Safe World

Creating a Baby-Safe World

Seven summers ago, my life became healthier all because of a tiny baby. I was pregnant with my first child, and as I researched how to take care of a baby, I found that so many of my habits and choices had been unhealthy. They were unhealthy for me, as an adult, and definitely unhealthy for any infant, toddler or child.

Creating A Baby-Safe World {accidentallygreen.com}

I did what any good mom would do – I started making changes:

  • I began to green my cleaning.
  • I dumped all my favorite (toxic!) personal care products and switched to safer brands.
  • I researched if I could and how I might be able to have a drug-free childbirth. (I quickly learned the unpredictability of childbirth, the need to give myself grace, and to make the best of what happened with my first and second childbirths.)
  • I took breastfeeding classes.
  • I looked into every variety of cloth diaper.

It might have taken nine months, but I finally was prepared for my baby – with a radically different life. The good news was that my changes weren’t painful to make; they were sensible. And once I adjusted my thinking and got used to them, they were completely normal.

Unfortunately, babies are born into a world full of toxins. Parents can protect their young ones from a lot of harm, though. To help you make healthy choices – and to create your own little baby-safe world (even if it’s only in your own home) – check out my past Accidentally Green posts:



  • Safe and Simple Teething Remedies
  • Does Your Infant Suffer from Acid Reflux?
  • How to Remedy Infant Reflux

Baby products




  • Becoming Your Own Breastfeeding Advocate
  • Breastfeeding’s Benefits to Babies
  • Breastfeeding’s Benefits to Mothers
  • Does Formula Fail Babies?
  • Recalling Formula’s Dangers

First foods


Original article and pictures take accidentallygreen.com site

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