вторник, 31 июля 2012 г.

Healthy To-Go Lunches for Little Ones (And 5 Places We Take Them Other Than School)

Healthy To-Go Lunches for Little Ones (And 5 Places We Take Them Other Than School)

Check out my Allergy-Friendly Snacks for Kids or my popular Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Egg-Free Cornbread!

pinnable lunch

Occasionally, I’ll get a compliment about how well my kids behave during church. (I also, occasionally, sprint out of the building like it’s on fire, because I’m embarrassed/because it’s been the longest hour of my life.)

When I do get the compliments, though, I always have the same reply… “It’s the lunches…it’s all the lunches!”

I’ve also gotten quite a few orders for these puppies from adults…And, let’s be honest, I’ll sneak a few fistfuls of raisins myself every once in a while…

Here are a few snapshots of our to-go lunches.

I love these lunchboxes by Bento. I ordered a batch a few years ago, and the lids wouldn’t close, but the most recent ones we ordered are perfect. (Actually…my sister ordered them. Thanks, Jenny!)

I never thought I’d be one of those moms who photograph lunches they make…But sometimes, they look so darn cute, I can’t resist.

lunches 1


  • Sunbutter and honey sandwich on wheat bread
  • Banana
  • Cheerios, raisins, and Enjoy Life chocolate chips
  • Fruit Salad (peaches, cantelope, and grapes)
  • Wheat Crackers

lunch 2


  • Sunbutter and fruit-juice sweetened jelly spread on wheat bread
  • Banana
  • Plain corn chips (not exactly “healthy,” but at least they only have three ingredients…)
  • Hummus and tomato halves
  • Berry Salad
  • YumEarth Organic Lollipops (I know, I know; it’s sugar…but nothing like a lollipop to keep a kid quiet for at least 2.5 minutes, right?)

lunch 3


  • Nitrate-free ham slices
  • Banana
  • Wheat Crackers
  • Trader Joe’s Apple Sticks
  • Hummus
  • Fruit Salad (peach, plum, and grapes)

Oh, the places we go with these lunches!

My kids are 150% more well-behaved when they are a) occupied and b) full. So am I, come to think of it. Anyway, here’s where we bring these guys:

  • Doctor’s offices (I disinfect the chair, the floor, the walls…just about everything first.)
  • The Beach – Use the handy trick of baby powder to clean sand off their hands first, and just make them stay seated while eating it. A few of our favorite beach snacks: Applesauce pouches, crackers, raisins, granola bars, carrot sticks, and rolled nitrate-free lunchmeat.
  • Church – My kids sit with me in the service usually. They know they don’t get their snack until after the singing and readings, when the sermon starts.
  • Parks – bring a blanket to sit on, and some wipes to get rid of those icky park germs!
  • The pool – Sometimes I feel like the pool tables are really gross, so I like to throw in these durable placemats my sister-in-law gifted us with!
  • The car – Even if they’re not eating a “meal” in the car, I pack the lunchbox full of healthy snack items. They love it!

What other healthy items do you pack in your kids’ lunches? Bonus points if it’s allergy-friendly!

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Original article and pictures take smarttereachday.com site

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