пятница, 5 июня 2015 г.

Pregnancy superfood smoothie

Pregnancy superfood smoothie

Stay healthy and happy during your pregnancy with this pregnancy superfood smoothie! Raspberries, bananas, walnuts, and yogurt are loaded with fiber, vitamins, protein, omega fatty acids, and probiotics. So good!

Stay healthy and happy during your pregnancy with this pregnancy superfood smoothie recipe! Plain yogurt, raspberries, bananas, and walnuts are loaded with protein, probiotics, fiber, omega fatty acids, and vitamins. So good!

OK guys…….. ready for Rhubarbaby posts???!!! Let’s hope so, cause you’re reading one RIGHT NOW! Here’s the deal-yo: I promise not to become an all out mommy blog. I will still be focusing on unique recipes with produce from my CSA (and cocktails again soon-ish), but guys……. this is my life right now. This little bambino has hijacked my whole world, my whole body. Yep, pregnancy and baby stuff will be peeping out of the blog now and then. Although, this pregnancy superfood smoothie could really just be called a fruit and nut superfood smoothie. You choose.

One disclaimer here: I am NOT your doctor. I’m just a pregnant chick and found that this smoothie is making my life easier and healthier right now. So, please ask your doc if you are concerned about any of the ingredients. Mmmmmmkay?

Stay healthy and happy during your pregnancy with this pregnancy superfood smoothie recipe! Plain yogurt, raspberries, bananas, and walnuts are loaded with protein, probiotics, fiber, omega fatty acids, and vitamins. So good!

Well, now that those awkward apology paragraphs are over, onto this smoothie! You guys, the first 4 months of my pregnancy were absolutely awful. So much morning all-day sickness, dehydration, fatigue, and some crazy constipation. Not to mention the emotional ups and downs that went along with all of those on top of pregnancy hormones. Egads. Yep, it was that bad. There were days when I literally couldn’t stand up without getting sick.

Sorry for the TMI! Scratch that. NO MORE APOLOGIES!

Eventually, I started to figure out what worked at making me at least be able to stand up without getting sick. Eating and drinking a bit before I stood up was a big part of it. Crackers and electrolytes by the bed yippee! I started making smoothies to help with my digestion and constipation issues, and found my fave combination of fruit and nuts. Raspberries, bananas, walnuts, and plain yogurt. Not to sweet, not too sour, just….. delicious. And healthy.

I make a big batch of this several times per week. I divide it into 8 oz mason jars so I can grab one out of the fridge now as soon as I wake up. It’s the first thing that I do every morning. I drink it while I’m making my coffee. Being well into my second trimester has helped tremendously with the sickness, but this smoothie is loaded with so many awesome things for my body during pregnancy. WOOOOOT!

Stay healthy and happy during your pregnancy with this pregnancy superfood smoothie recipe! Plain yogurt, raspberries, bananas, and walnuts are loaded with protein, probiotics, fiber, omega fatty acids, and vitamins. So good!

Stay healthy and happy during your pregnancy with this pregnancy superfood smoothie! Raspberries, bananas, walnuts, and yogurt are loaded with fiber, vitamins, protein, omega fatty acids, and probiotics. So good!

  1. Blend all ingredients together in a blender until smooth.
  2. Refrigerate leftovers in a container with tight fitting lid, and shake well before drinking.

You can really get creative with this smoothie too! Add kale or spinach. Make it will blueberries instead of raspberries. Toss in a tablespoon of chia seeds. YUM!

Anything pregnancy related you’d like to hear about? Let me know if the comments!


Remember to share your Rhubarbarians recreations on Instagram and Twitter with #imarhubarbarian!

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Original article and pictures take d1voejzhmfdnpf.cloudfront.net site

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