среда, 17 февраля 2016 г.

Staying Active During the Holidays

Staying Active During the Holidays
Staying Active During the Holidays

Christmas is fast approaching. Excitement is in the air, gift wrapping is in full tilt, visiting family and friends and baking secret family recipes are in the works! We are also about to over indulging in foods and maximize our relaxing time, all of which are great and important. However, we forget about exercising over the holidays because, frankly, it’s too much work to fit it all in.

Christmas can also be a stressful time. Too many toys to play with, too much time inside the house and too much time sitting on our butts. It’s important to still be active during the holidays because taking a break from being active can make you feel terrible.

A few easy and quick tips to keep your family active during the holidays:

Cut down a tree together. Getting outside, searching for THE perfect tree can be an adventure in itself!

Christmas Eve Games. Start a new tradition on Christmas Eve; every time someone say’s Merry Christmas, Santa or Elves, everyone has to get up and do their favourite exercise. Such as, jumping jacks, pretend your skating on ice or skiing or maybe even push-ups! Create the game together!

Family walk. After all the presents are opened and played with a little, take the family outside for a 20-30 minute walk OR snowball fight if you are lucky to have any snow. Take a look around your neighbourhood and see what it’s like on Christmas morning. Are there kids playing outside, other families?

Snow forts! {again, if you have snow} Take your kids outside, build snow forts, snowmen or paint the snow with coloured spray water.

Christmas Day Night-Walk. Before bed time, bundle up family your and take them out for a walk to see all the Christmas lights. When you are done, go back home for some hot coco and a healthy treat before bed.

Boxing Day Events! Instead of hitting up the local mall for the best deal, created 3-4 activities to do as a family and with friends. A game of snow soccer will be a fun change for little kids or a game of tag in the snow! It’s amazing how tired you can get after running around in the snow {with your kids}.

There are also resolution runs and polar bear dips in various communities. Brrrrrrrrrrr! The main point is to schedule and make activity {exercise} a priority over the holidays. Do it as a family and you will have plenty of fun memories and maybe some new traditions started.

How do you plan to stay active during the busy holiday season?

Original article and pictures take totsfamily.com site

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