среда, 17 мая 2006 г.

{DIY} Homemade Essential Oil Blemish Treatment

{DIY} Homemade Essential Oil Blemish Treatment

I haven’t struggled with blemishes for quite a while. It was definitely something that reared it’s ugly head when I was a teenager. Eating too much sugar—and using too much Rave hairspray (resulting in lots of ugly zits around the hairline)—did not help things.

Sometimes, I still have some zits that pop up, and I’ve found this treatment works like a charm for me. I’ve talked to others who have tried it out and had great success as well.

DIY Homemade Essential Oil Acne Treatment
DIY Homemade Essential Oil Acne Treatment

How this Essential Oil Blemish Treatment Works

Each of the 4 ingredients in this mixture are there for a very specific purpose.

  • Coconut Oil penetrates your skin and is absorbed quickly. It also immediately begins to reduce the inflammation from acne. Coconut oil helps clear up scars and protects open wounds from blemishes present. While you might be concerned it causes more acne because it’s an oil, I assure you it does not. In fact, it helps you avoid blemishes before it even begins due to its antimicrobial properties.*
  • Lemon Essential Oil works to balance overactive sebaceous glands, helps clear blemishes, and encourages the exfoliation of dead skin cells.*
  • Lavender Essential Oil is very calming and soothes the skin. It balances oil production, soothes skin irritations, and stimulates the circulation of the skin.*
  • Melaleuca Essential Oil is well known for it’s cleansing and rejuvenating effect on the skin, making it a top essential oil to help combat mild blemishes.

In Process 3 (2)
In Process 3

Homemade Acne Treatment


Coconut oil

Lemon essential oil

Lavender essential oil

Tea Tree oil

4 oz Mason jars


Choose an airtight container—preferably a glass jar. These 4 oz Mason jars work perfect.

Soften ¼ cup of coconut oil for about 10-15 seconds in the microwave until it turns into a liquid form.

Stir in 10 drops each of Lemon, Lavender and Tea Tree essential oils (do not use a metal spoon as it will react with the oils reducing the strength).

Place your mixture in the refrigerator to it to set until firm.

Use by simply dabbing a small amount on acne in the morning and evening after washing and drying your face well.

What have you found that helps keep your skin clear?

DIY Homemade Essential Oil Acne Treatment

Free Download: Mom’s Essential Oil Cheat Sheet

Would you like a resource to help you learn to use essential oils with your family? Download this free 3-page printable:

  • Basic guidelines for using essential oils around kids
  • A list of safe, kid-friendly oils essential oils
  • Helpful essential oil recipes

Click the link or image below to download the 3-page Mom’s Essential Oil Cheat Sheet. I’ll follow it up with more resources and free printables to help you on your essential oil journey. Grab your copy now!

Download Now

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.

Original article and pictures take www.intoxicatedonlife.com site

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