четверг, 11 мая 2006 г.

(Too Much) Fun I’m Having With Homemade Brownie Mix, Bread Mix, Pancake Mix, and More!

(Too Much) Fun I’m Having With Homemade Brownie Mix, Bread Mix, Pancake Mix, and More!

What is it about having this collection of homemade mixes in my pantry and freezer that has made me feel so organized and empowered? Yesterday I was just a regular person. Today I’m like, “I have created a huge amount of Brownie Mix and put it into an air tight container! Nothing can stop me now!!”

simple mixes

Baking Mixes: My New Super Power

In the past, I felt that mixes like this were silly. After all, is it really all that difficult to get out necessary pancake ingredients and mix up a batch? No. Will I actually turn into a complete disaster if I have to measure flour and baking powder into a bowl every time I need to bake a cake? C’mon now.

But days are full, life is short, and the truth is that sometimes I DON’T have time to measure salt and yeast, so there. Some days it’s all I can do to remember the location of our soccer game and get everyone fed and there on time. But never fear. Everything will be okay now because I HAVE MUFFIN MIX.

Simple Mixes that Save the Day

The book full of Simple Mixes recipes is FREE for Simple Meals members!

Details below. :)

As you can see, I have had the most fun playing with all my new Simple Mixes. I’m here to tell you that it actually does save time to make pancakes from a mix instead of getting out all ingredients and making them from ground zero. And it definitely saves brain energy. (This calls for high-fives all around.) When making pancakes from my homemade mix, I have our hot breakfast on the table within ten minutes.

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God has given me many opportunities to feed housefuls of extra people lately, so even beyond feeding my family, I’m finding these Simple Mixes to be a HUGE help in spreading the yummy food love. I used the Muffin Mix to make Banana Bread one morning (even though the recipes included are actually for muffins). It worked! Though I dumped in too much milk and the bread sunk a little after I pulled it out of the oven. No worries. It all got eaten!

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simple mix banana bread4

I used the Brownie Mix to make two pans of brownies to feed extra college students who came over for meals. They were a hit, and the mixes helped me get the brownies into the oven in less than five minutes!

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As if the Stir-and-Pour Bread recipe isn’t easy enough, I found that having Stir-and-Pour Bread Mix made it that much easier. The picture turned out fuzzy, but the bread turned out beautiful – and it was perfect for a busy day recently when we needed bread to round out our lunch.

stir bread

I’ve created this Simple Mixes that Save the Day eBook full of these awesome mix recipes, and I’m giving it away for FREE to all Simple Meals members this week!

Here’s a peek at the first page of the book, so you can see what you’ll be given:

simple mixes intro page

Every week, Simple Meals members receive a full {simple} meal plan with recipes, time and money saving tips, a grocery list, and more. The Simple Meals plans are sent out to members every Thursday morning so you have plenty of time to prepare for the upcoming week. So current members! Watch for this fun new Simple Mixes eBook to hit your inbox this Thursday!

Not a Simple Meals member? Please join us! The price is right (only $1/week, and even less with the coupon mentioned below!), and the money and time you’ll save in the kitchen will be such a blessing to you! If you join Simple Meals before Thursday, you’ll gain access to this brand new Simple Mixes book too!!

Join now —>

Your yearly subscription equips you with a 52 week's worth of meal plans, grocery guide, recipes, and bonus tips, plus you get over $60 worth of bonus eBooks! Your Simple Meals plan will arrive in your inbox each Thursday morning.

Just want the Simple Mixes to Save the Day eBook? Get it here —>

Get our 7 amazing whole grain, low sugar mix recipe - from brownies to breads! Use them to make 22 varieties of delicious, simple baked goods for your family and guests!

Original article and pictures take heavenlyhomemakers.com site

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