понедельник, 29 мая 2006 г.

{DIY} Sinus and Immune Support Essential Oil Blend

{DIY} Sinus and Immune Support Essential Oil Blend

To say my family struggles with nasal reactions to seasonal changes would be an understatement. It was during a particularly bad bout of reactions to the weather coupled with other seasonal issues that just would not die that sent me on a trip to our local health food store.

Learn how to make your own! DIY Sinus And Immune Support Essential Oil Blend. @ IntoxicatedOnLife.com #DIY #EssentialOils
DIY Sinus And Immune Support Essential Oil Blend

I essentially begged them for something that we could use in conjunction with our usual over the counter treatments that would bring us all some additional relief for our oh so snotty, sneezy, and headachy symptoms. The woman working there that day suggested I try a “homeopathic” sinus oil blend that contained both frankincense and myrrh.

When it comes to remedies labeled homeopathic I’m a huge skeptic, but I knew first hand how much essential oils can help with moderate ailments, so I was willing to try it.

This Blend Really Works!

Let me tell you, this stuff works! Really well in fact. But that’s not the half of it. The more I started researching essential oils and their properties, the more I realized how much this one little bottle labeled “sinus” could actually do.

In our home we’ve used this blend to: stave off seasonal attacks, help sinus head tension, massage sore muscles, treat skin blemishes, treat restless leg syndrome, and another family member has even used it to help with her major discomfort when she had issues with ovarian function.

This little bottle is amazing! I started buying it whenever I made my usual trip to the store. But a few months ago I went to the store and was informed they were out of the sinus blend. Then the next time I went in I was informed, to my absolute horror, that they can no longer order it at all.

Rather than panic that my miracle blend of oil was no longer being manufactured I decided to dabble in alchemy instead. So I purchased every essential oil listed in the ingredients that I didn’t currently have in my stash in an attempt to duplicate the blend.

DIY Sinus And Anti Inflammatory Essential Oil Blend

I started with an equal amounts of essential oils diluted in sunflower seed oil and started sniffing between my leftover blend and my new blend. Real scientific, I know. The result is an oil blend recipe, however, that is extremely close to the original that works (according to my husband and others I’ve made it for) just as well.

The downside of this miracle blend is it contains some pricey oils. If you aren’t 100% convinced on the effectiveness of essential oils this blend will definitely convince you (it did my husband). There is a reason why oils like frankincense and myrrh are more expensive, the main one being they’re effective.

You could make this blend without the frankinsence and myrrh but you would lose some of the therapeutic properties. It’s worth a shot though especially if you already have the other oils in your stash.

Sinus and Immune Essential Oil Blend


4 Tsps Sunflower Seed Oil

15 Drops Rosemary Essential Oil

15 Drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil

15 Drops Peppermint Essential Oil

15 Drops Frankincense Essential Oil

15 Drops Myrrh Essential Oil

8 Drops Geranium Essential Oil


Combine all oils and store in a dark glass container.

Oil can be rubbed below nose, to help with seasonal or environmental threats, or on temples to help with head tension associated with sinus pressure.

The blend can also be used on other areas of the body to help with health inflammatory response.

Use Essential Oils Safely and Confidently with Your Family

Would you like a resource to help you learn to use essential oils with your family? Download this free 3-page printable:

  • Basic guidelines for using essential oils around kids
  • A list of safe, kid-friendly oils essential oils
  • Helpful essential oil recipes

Click the link or image below to download the 3-page Mom’s Essential Oil Cheat Sheet. I’ll follow it up with more resources and free printables to help you on your essential oil journey. Grab your copy now!

Download Now

*FDA disclaimer: “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”

Original article and pictures take www.intoxicatedonlife.com site

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