понедельник, 13 августа 2012 г.

Help! I’m Not Sure If I Should Vaccinate My Baby!

Help! I’m Not Sure If I Should Vaccinate My Baby!

Unsure if you want to vaccinate your newborn or infant? I’ve been there. Here’s my advice:

Maybe you’re pregnant and have read that your newborn will be getting a Hepatitis B vaccine before he or she comes home. Or maybe you’re newborn is growing quickly and you’ve scheduled his or her 2-month well-check.

There’s a lot of talk about vaccines – but you’re not sure who to believe. Do you trust your pediatrician who insists on a strict vaccine schedule? Or do you trust a friend whose child had less than an ideal experience with vaccines?

I’ve been there. And I know it’s hard … sometimes to the point of bawling your eyes out hard.

The important – and completely frightening – truth to realize is that the decision is yours to make.

Help! I'm Not Sure If I Should Vaccinate My Baby!
Image courtesy of antpkr/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

You can choose to fully vaccinate your child. You can choose to skip all vaccines. Or you can choose to space vaccines out with an alternative schedule. But as a parent, it’s your choice. Not your doctor’s. Not your parents’. Not your neighbors’ or friends’.

The good news is there are resources available. The bad news is that there hasn’t been an overwhelming amount of research to prove the safety or danger of vaccines.

After researching hours upon hours and talking with half a dozen pediatricians, I’m content with my family’s vaccine decisions. This process took several years, though, and was riddled with regrets.

To speed the process up for you, I highly recommend looking into the National Vaccine Information Center, a non-profit educational organization that “is dedicated to the prevention of vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and to defending the informed consent ethic in medicine. As an independent clearinghouse for information on diseases and vaccines, NVIC does not advocate for or against the use of vaccines.”

For information about what is included in each vaccine, check out The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s Vaccine Education Center.

If you’re interested in considering an alternative vaccine schedule, read The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child (Sears Parenting Library) (Disclosure: Purchasing the book through this link will result in a commission for Accidentally Green. Thank you!)

And if you’d like to hear more of my perspective and my family’s vaccine experience, please read my posts:

If I can encourage you in any way, please remember that this is your choice. Research so that you can make an educated decision. Do not let another person – whether it’s the government or a doctor – make the choice for you.

Original article and pictures take accidentallygreen.com site

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