пятница, 24 августа 2012 г.

Helping Your Picky Eater

Helping Your Picky Eater

Feeding Your Toddler Cheat Sheet and Food Diary

Feed your Toddler a Healthy Diet with Confidence.

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If you have a picky or fussy eater, it can make life miserable. You stop enjoying eating together and mealtimes become a battle. Often people stop offering foods that they know their children won’t like. Their diet becomes narrower and narrower.

To get out of this loop, you need to offer heaps of variety and stop worrying about whether or not they’ll eat the new food.

Patience and persistence are the key.

I’ve put together an AWESOME guide on how you can introduce new foods to your children, the stress free way.

Just sign up to my newsletter here and you’ll receive a free guide. If you don’t want to receive my newsletter anymore, you can just unsubscribe. If you love my newsletter (I hope you do) I'll send you a few introductory emails and then an email every week with a great healthy eating tip.

Send me my guide to help my Picky Eater

How to Help Your Picky Eater
Picky Eater

Original article and pictures take snotty-noses.com site

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