понедельник, 27 августа 2012 г.

Herbs All Moms Should Know About

Herbs All Moms Should Know About
I didn't realize that herbs were so powerful for health and healing! All moms should know about these herbs!

Guest Post by Jasmine Bass of Thyme and Timber

Today we continue our series– “After Baby Comes: Postpartum Recovery Tips & Blessings for New Moms.” I’m blessed to have a full line-up of very talented guest posters, so I can recovery and enjoy my new sweet baby! Today, Jasmine is giving us a great tutorial on herbs that all moms should know about! Please pay her site a visit!

Every mom wants the best, most effective remedy to treat what ails their little ones. So, what about using herbs, God’s amazing creations with incredible healing abilities? Herbs are a fantastic, natural alternative for moms looking to soothe their children… Why? Let me tell you!

Herbs are just that… herbs. No additives, no chemicals with long names most of us can’t pronounce…they are truly 100% “all natural.” Herbs, when used appropriately, generally have little to no side-effects; unlike prescription or over-the-counter medications that usually have a side-effects list a mile long.

Herbs are also a frugal and sustainable option as you can grow most child-friendly herbs in your backyard or purchase bulk dried herbs at a reasonable price. Herbs can be prepared in multiple ways for a variety of symptoms allowing most of them to be versatile in their healing abilities.

Herbs Safe for Children


I didn't realize that herbs were so powerful for health and healing! All moms should know about these herbs!

Calendula is a new momma’s best friend… this powerful, yet gentle herb is packed with properties that heal a variety of skin conditions including rashes, burns, fungal irritations, and scrapes. It encourages connective tissue to regenerate, creating soft and smooth skin. Calendula oil and salve can easily be made at home and used as a simple diaper rash cream or to heal sore, cracked nipples. {see full calendula profile here}


I didn't realize that herbs were so powerful for health and healing! All moms should know about these herbs!

If you have ever heard a child scream and cry over a bee or wasp sting, you know the urgency to help heal the pain. My absolute favorite herb to relieve the stinging pain is plantain. It works fast! You can find this astringent herb almost anywhere… it grows like a weed, literally!

Plantain has unique properties that pull out poisons and toxins quickly and effectively. The easiest way to use this herb is to chew up a fresh leaf, apply the goopy mess on the affected area and leave on for 3-10 minutes; in other words, make a poultice. Try this on your little one’s stings, bugs bites and other irritations. {see full Plantain profile here}


I didn't realize that herbs were so powerful for health and healing! All moms should know about these herbs!

Chamomile is consumed everywhere as a delightful, sweet-smelling tea. This dainty herb is one of the most versatile and yummy of children’s herbs. Chamomile covers everything from irritated skin to upset tummies. Safe for even young children, it’s often used for ailments such as restlessness, teething, whining, weeping eyes and fevers.

Add dried chamomile to your child’s bath to sooth irritated skin and calm nerves. Serve chamomile tea to a child who has an upset tummy or fever. Freeze the tea in popsicle trays to help little ones teething. {see full Chamomile profile here}


I didn't realize that herbs were so powerful for health and healing! All moms should know about these herbs!

This may seem to be a strange herb to have on a list for children… but trust me, this isn’t just for feline friends. Catnip has the properties to help with several children’s gastrointestinal concerns including: colic, diarrhea, indigestion and flatulence.

Breastfeeding moms can even drink a tea made with catnip to help their nursing babies sleep more soundly. The best way to consume catnip is by making an herbal tea… I generally use 1 teaspoon of dry herbs or 2 teaspoons fresh herbs to a cup of water. {see full Catnip profile here}


I didn't realize that herbs were so powerful for health and healing! All moms should know about these herbs!

I am sure most of you are familiar with lavender. It is well-known for its soothing effects. But, let me say, the lavender-scented sprays you get from the store are not even close to the real deal! Real lavender contains properties that can heal a headache, soothe restlessness, relieve burns and much more.

Lavender is a must for moms to have on hand… Add lavender essential oil to a humidifier to help children sleep. Add dried lavender buds to a bath to both cleanse and soothe skin with mild irritations. You can also make a delicious herbal honey to give children with stomach upset or put it on a burn. {see full Lavender profile here}

Lemon Balm

I didn't realize that herbs were so powerful for health and healing! All moms should know about these herbs!

Lemon Balm is great herb for both children and adults. While this herb can help with many conditions… I will focus on one that many moms will love! Are there any moms with hyper kiddos or children diagnosed with ADD? Lemon Balm will be your best friend. Studies have shown this herb to be very effective in calming these behaviors.

Just add lemon balm tea to their favorite juice or lemonade or make frozen popsicle treats! Other options include: tincture (glycerin), syrup, or herbal honey (see basic instructions here). You can easily grow your own lemon balm which makes the most potent remedy. Dried lemon balm should be kept in the freezer to preserve healing properties.

While this list is certainly not exhaustive, it does give you a glimpse of some simple, effective and natural remedies to use when you child is in need of some TLC. I always encourage my readers to do their own research to decide what herbal remedies would be best for their families.

Here are some great book recommendations for children’s herbal remedies:

I hope this has encouraged you to try a few herbal remedies for your little one(s)!

What natural remedies have you heard about or tried? I’d love to hear about them!

Jasmine (aka Happy Mrs Bass) is a God-fearing, always-learning, stay-at-home-wife to the best husband in the world! She is continually learning to slow down, enjoying the important, simple things in life… She really enjoys creating things “home-made” and showing others how to do the same! Which is why she started Thyme and Timber blog! In the past couple of years, her new found loves have become herbal fix ’ems and things “all natural”!

*I am not a professional…just a wife who is crazy about herbs and healthy living. This post is only for informational and educational purposes. The content has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended for you to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. I encourage others to do their own research as I have done and discuss your findings with a qualified medical professional before adding any supplements or making any changes in your diet.

**There are affiliate links included in this post.

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Come check out our other “After Baby Comes: Postpartum Recovery Tips & Blessings for New Moms” posts all month long!

Top image from pixabay.com

Original article and pictures take thehumbledhomemaker.com site

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